Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    Super cute hair do!
  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    I realized that although I tracked last week, I didn't pay a lick of attention to the numbers. Duh! So, this week's goal is to plan and be mindful. I haven't made much progress (lots of excuses though). Anywho .... I decided I am happy with losing 1 lb. per week. If I make that goal I will be 100 lbs. down just in time for a high school reunion in 2019.
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Ladies I have missed reading everyone encouraging words!! I have been super busy! Hope you are all having a great Monday!! I finally hit my 30lbs gone mark two days ago!! Working on not eating bad right now. Stupid period lol but i have not given in yet!! Oh and getting in more water.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    @nickiphillips1 No, Locks of love is actually rather unethical, they don't give away wigs, they sell them, and they also sell a lot of the donated hair as well. I plan to try to sell it, but if that doesn't work, I'll donate to pantene beautiful lengths or wigs for kids
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! Well, I went to the gym yesterday, came home and proceeded to binge like there was no tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if I gained back the two pounds I lost, but I won't look for a few days and see if I can get things back to normal... whatever that means!

    Back on track this morning with the low carb deal. Shake it off, Jess, and just keep putting your best effort out there. Sigh.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - I live in Indianapolis, Indiana, so Chicago is a quick trip. OeMWoW! I want those chips, I'm going to see where they carry them by my house!
    @KimF0715 - One day, one meal and one workout at a time. Start of slow, work your way up - it doesn't always have to be all or nothing. You can do it, I believe in you. (I know you've been through some tough times.)
    @fangcat623 - Haha, you crack me up - DUH :smiley: That's an awesome goal and with your plan and mindfulness, I know you can do it!
    @sabinki - CONGRATS on the loss!!!
    @wellthenwhat - That's inspiring, glad you've done your research. :smile:

    Update: I am feeling PUMPED! I completed 120 minutes of shoulders, abs and incline treadmill last night. The bf has been getting off later so I had him meet me at the gym. I did my cardio first and he showed later than anticipated so I just stayed on the treadmill longer until he got there to lift. This forced me to do extra - BOOM! extra calories burned. Hoping I can keep up the momentum tonight.

    Thought for the day: I'm working on a new me not because the old me was bad but because the old me can improve. ***I have been happy at all sizes, however I like seeing my body change and pushing myself. I have times where I take breaks (normally a couple months around the holidays) and I don't feel that great. When I am consistently exercising and striving to eat nutritious foods, I feel awesome. This is my why - I do it for me. :blush:
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning all!

    While food monitoring is going well, food intake is up. Outdoors time has increased as well. O2 has been increased.

    Activity feels so darned good! A bit of appetite is to be expected.

    Love 2 all! Have a great day.

  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Well these last few days have been horrible. Got over the migraine but went wild on terrible food choices and lack of exercise. Reading through your posts have made me feel not quite so guilty and bad about myself. I know I can do this. I have done it. I just need to keep at it.

    Goals for May - 300,000 steps
    No dt dew - this will be a tough one for me.

    Goal for this week
    Back to baby steps - As I say often, how do you eat an elephant? Same as anything else, one bite at a time. I forgot this for a bit. I am taking it one meal at a time.

    Keep the stories coming ladies. I love reading them.
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    So was going to try and add some more friends. I did it once but can't figure out how to do it now! So i guess if you would like to be friends please add me
  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello All!
    Seems like everyone is doing pretty well. I did ok last week tracking my food. Missed one whole day. But I lost 1lb. Yay!
    This week I'm just going to keep tracking and add in some walking. My husband, two boys and I went walking at Belle Isle in Richmond on Sunday. It was a wonderful day!
    Good luck to everyone this week.
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    @ParanormaLauren you look incredible in that dress! BABE ALERT!

    Looks like many of us are in the same boat. But HEY we figured it out that we went a little sideways and are getting back to our beautiful business of caring for ourselves. The actions you all are taking to improve your health and achieve your goals really is inspiring!

    I had a fun weekend, but terrible regarding nutrition. I provided a TON of veggies and healthy options at my husband's party...but I made a giant carrot cake and two Pizza cakes. (Yes, pizza in layer cake shape. It was ridiculous.) I also accidentally drank more than intended (I have a much lower tolerance since being mindful.) and most likely ate more than intended. All the leftovers from the joyful event were carbs. Yesterday, I restocked our fridge with healthy stuff and I'm getting back on the wagon with a trip to the gym this afternoon that is more for my mental health than anything. Some family wedding drama going on and I'm furious at my brother for upsetting my sister, aka bride to be. I have done everything I can to remedy the situation, it's all on him, and now I just need to work out my frustration. >:-(

    I bought some strawberry plants and flowers for my front yard this week. I'm really looking forward to playing in the dirt and plotting my next planting project! Husband made the mistake of suggesting camping so I'm extra motivated to get gardening in on the week nights so I can go explore the wilderness!

    My beautiful behavior for this week is to get back to logging strictly, working out formally 4 times this week, and doing at least 3 informal active projects (gardening, dog walking, and a hike.)

    Keep being the strong beautiful people that you are and thank you for listening to me rant! <3
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Ok ladies I have to say my walk at lunch was so amazing today! Beautiful 70 degrees and sunny after 5-6 inches of rain over the last few days. And the geese had babies so there were adorable little balls of feathers with bills everywhere.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    @ParanormaLauren - you look gorgeous in that dress - flaunt it girl!
    @jessiquoi - I am sure you didn't gain any weight - sometimes a little splurge doesn't hurt - I was wondering if you could meet with a dietitian - sounds like you were super hungry after you worked out and you ate a ton of food - I have had that problem before - You might need more protein before you work out to stick with you so you don't get overly hungry after the workout - and carbs are good after the workout - I do a smoothie after my workout with some protein (peanut butter powder) and some frozen fruit and kale (lots of kale)
    @str8bowbabe - isn't it great that the rain is clearing and it is starting to get warm - glad you had such a great walk
    @aleahurst - maybe your food intake is up because you are doing more outside - being more active would explain being more hungry
    @happysherri - you are the opposite direction from Chicago as me - my son and I flew to Indy in November for the Big 10 Championships - the Badgers were playing and he got free tickets from his teacher at school
    @wellthenwhat - I am glad you did your research on the hair, you know I think I have heard that before - my hair grows at excruciatingly slow speeds and I would never be able to donate my hair, my massage therapist does though
    @alaskandelight - rant anytime - strawberry plants sound good - unfortunately, I don't have a green thumb and most plants die around me

    Now that my son got his permit (yesterday), he wants to go driving. It is a little nerve-racking! I hope to get him up to highway driving for our Chicago trip though.

    I joined an online dating site, Zoosk. We shall see if anything happens. I have had some hits, there isn't a ton of information on there and maybe that is best.

    Tomorrow I am going to an earlier practice and doing a stroke workout instead of mostly freestyle. This should help my distance free and maybe help burn calories without killing me.

    To find Beanitos, go to this website and enter your zip code:
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member

    I really need you all.

    My calorie intake is soaring out of sight. My appetite is following behind closely, tongue wagging, joyfully snatching up everything that looks like chocolate, and shoving into my mouth.

    What do I do first?



    Love to all.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    edited May 2017
    @str8bowbabe - Glad you had a wonderful walk! I can't stand geese, they're annoying to me, but the babies are cute.
    @CT0526 - Congrats!!! down another pound! Walking is great for you. Keep going
    @ParanormaLauren - (insert whistle here) You look friggin fantastic! I know that's a great feeling to fit something so perfectly. Goodluck on the fellowship
    @alaskandelight - "Pass me a piece of pizza cake!!!!" I would have indulged and had a piece of each, because it's homemade (that's my rule). Ugh, family drama is the worst, sorry. Camping used to be fun when I was a kid, that's all we did. However, now I love my bed too much that I could maybe last 1 or 2 nights lol Glad you're getting in touch with nature :smile:
    @sabinki - I can add you but warning - I am not that exciting on here. I track my workouts and I do have an open diary (which I log 90% or more of the time). I will try and find you lol
    @nickiphillips1 - haha, Meet me halfway (there's an old song like that). Good luck with the dating, it just takes time like anything else. You are doing so wonderful on your swimming!!! Keep it up
    @aleahurst - Sending you good vibes. One of my rules is I refuse to feel hungry. If I know I am truly hungry (not thirsty or bored) then I eat. It sounds as if your body is going through a lot right now and needs fuel to conquer all of this. Take a deep breath and just try and make good decisions. This too shall pass.

    Update: I did not workout last night. I spent over an hour on the phone with my tv/internet provider because my bill is outrageous and I don't even have a DVR or many channels. Of course they couldn't help me, after talking to 4 different people for an hour! Oh well, I told them 'thanks for squashing any doubts I had about switching to a different company!' Needless to say that after that phone call I was in a bad mood and exercise was not happening. However, I was WAY under my calories, so it didn't much matter. I was down by 0.8 lbs this morning (I don't actually record it until Friday). Hopefully tonight goes better. :smiley: I am having lunch with a coworker and a previous coworker - whom we love. He's so fun, you can't help by laugh around him. We chose Panera, so I feel I can work with that :wink:

    Oh, also my *laziness saved me! ha ha Late last night I had a wicked sweet tooth craving hit. I don't keep anything in the house, so I would have to drive down the street to get a treat. I was too lazy to drive 2 minutes away to buy ice cream :smiley:'Laziness to the rescue!!!'

    Thought for the day: You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. **I know I've said this before, but 'ME'! I've always tried to think of 'what if's' or plan things out. The past several years I have been working on being more spontaneous and adventuress. Don't be so cautious that you miss out on some fun or a new love. Example: try new things no matter how small, you may find a new love like take that new exercise class, you may love it, try a new fruit or recipe, try a new seasoning, try a new sport, a new shop, a new route to work, a new hobby, a new hair dresser....maybe not a new hairdresser if you have a good one LOL :wink:

    Happy Wednesday
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »

    I really need you all.

    My calorie intake is soaring out of sight. My appetite is following behind closely, tongue wagging, joyfully snatching up everything that looks like chocolate, and shoving into my mouth.

    What do I do first?



    Love to all.


    Hmmmmm. Try to eat as clean as you can....smaller meals more often, I think. That would be best!

    Be well! Been thinking about you!

  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi All:

    Just dropping in to throw some good vibes your way. With the dawn of May, a new resolve has hit me. There's too many pounds to lose and not enough time. Lots of, showers, wedding, etc. etc. to have to fit into dressy clothes.

    Ugh! I'm on it ! I'm on it!

  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    Morning all! Ok today is going to be one of those days that I fight with myself over food. Specifically eating when im not hungry. I have very little cleaning to do and am home alone til 3:40 sooooo im going to try and do some squats, lunges or push up's when that feeling hits. Atleast that's my plan lol. Im also going to do my wii fit workout. Hope you all have an awesome day!! Remember YOU ALL are worth it!! Loves and hugs❤
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »

    I really need you all.

    My calorie intake is soaring out of sight. My appetite is following behind closely, tongue wagging, joyfully snatching up everything that looks like chocolate, and shoving into my mouth.

    What do I do first?



    Love to all.


    First, remember sugar gives you sugar cravings. So try to find food without sugar to fill you up. It takes a few days to get sugar out of your system and to stop craving it.

    One step at a time.

    I always eat my veggies first, they fill me up and then I realize I am no longer that hungry.

    Fruit has sugar too, so try to get some protein and veggies when eating fruit. And whole grains fill you up too.

    Maybe do some planning. You can do this. What about your garden? And walks? Do like Sherri and try not to have junk food around the house.

    Or have some really dark chocolate and eat a square really slowly to fill you up.