MrsSeager Member


  • If you look up your height on a BMI chart, you are actually still within a healthy range (130-160 is optimal for a 5"9 female.) If you want to tighten up a little bit, weight train and do cardio as another poster recommended. 1,000 calories a day seems low to me, especially if you are working out 4-5 days a week.
  • I just use an app on my phone, it sounds a little alert when I need to drink water.
  • I determined my goal weight by looking up a healthy BMI for my height. Ideally I'd like to be around 135, it's going to take time, determination, and discipline!
  • Other than wanting to look good, I want to feel good and have more confidence. I'm tired of being anxious about doing things, like hiking, going to the beach, etc because of my weight.
  • I have been pretty open about my weight loss with those around me..coworkers, family, friends. They all have been very supportive and don't "tempt" me with food decisions like eating out or getting cocktails after work. My husband and I both made the decision to make healthy choices when it comes to food. He started going…
  • I love to take my kids for a walk in the woods in their stroeller, the thing has better suspension than my car, it's really fun for me and them!
  • Also, if your in college maybe look into taking an exercise/fitness class as an elective. That way you'll get a couple workouts in a week and earn some credits.
  • I ordered a rowing machine on amazon and it's been great! I get up a little earlier in the morning and row for about 20 minutes. When I get home from work I have dinner and hang out with my kids then when they head to bed I get back on the row machine for another 30 minutes, sometimes I'll lift weights instead of row. I…
  • I've been at my desk job for about a year now, the biggest challenge I have faced is the "grazing." I ended up gaining about ten pounds because of it, along with me and my coworkers getting take out for lunch a couple days a week. Now that I'm trying to lose weight and am tracking my calories, I found the easiest way to…
  • A friend of mine told me something similar a few months ago, told me to eat every two hours even if I wasn't hungry, take a "supplement cocktail" and drink two gallons of water a day. Tried it for a day and I thought I was going to explode!
  • Like I've said, I was overestimating the amount I was adding.
  • Two tablespoons (70 calories,) I generally use the Coffeemate Coconut creamer. I usually just eyeball the amount I put in, but measured last night and realized I overestimated the amount I actually use. Lots of great advice and alternatives, thanks!
  • No, it's coffee. Like I said in previous posts, I overestimated the amount of cream I was adding.
  • I was actually overestimating, I just measured. I've really been using 2 tablespoons of coconut creamer that has 70 calories. Not good, but definitely better than 140! I recently switched to a darker roast, it's pretty strong so I've been adding Splenda to "hide" the bitterness. I'll likely switch to a lighter roast, or…
  • I usually just eyeball the amount of cream I put in, I know if you go to Dunkins a regular coffee has 4 cream and 4 sugars. So when I did my stats i just put in that I was taking 4 servings of coffee mate coconut cream. I took some time tonight and actually measured (!) and found that to get the "color" I like takes two…
  • Genius! I have a French vanilla shake for breakfast every morning along with some fruit. Great idea!
  • I'll try that, thank you!!
  • I've tried before, I just can't handle the bitterness of it. I'm probably going to try a different roast, something lighter so I use less cream.
  • Great recommendations all! I'll try them out and see which works best for me. Thanks!!
  • UPDATE: New features on the MFP app for Apple Watch. You can now add water intake, quick add calories. Also improved, nutrients section! My watch also syncs my workouts directly to the MFP app, so I don't have to take time to log work outs.
  • I've been on the pill, had Mirena and the Skyla IUDs all in the past ten years. The pill didn't work for me, I had a hard time taking it the same time everyday. Two babies later.... I got the Mirena IUD in after my first, I didn't do well with it. Super cramps all the time, I felt sick...a lot, and I was a total whack job…
  • You're right, it's poison in excess. Fatty liver anyone?
  • Yep the powder for the shake has 3 grams of sugar. I haven't completely cut out sugar and carbs, I just don't consume in excess like I did before. Not sure why you are trying to argue with me about it. I've been doing it for 4 weeks and my cravings have decreased, drastically. Might not have worked for you but it has…
  • I don't juice. I have two GNC Total Lean shakes a day with 8oz of 1% milk. I have one healthy meal, usually for dinner. I have a piece of fruit in the afternoon as a snack. I meet all my macros and am right on with my calories most days.
  • My biggie was sugar. I had a wicked sweet tooth, once I started the twice daily shakes my carb and sugar cravings virtually disappeared. I have more energy, I sleep better, and my skin is clear.