yogagirl1963 Member


  • Good morning! I have never heard of Tailwind. I will look into finding that. Thanks for the suggestion and insight! I will be doing another long ride Saturday so I am going to do my best to try out these suggestions! Thank you! I truly appreciate your perspectives and knowledge! Deb
  • Thank you for your response!!!! I have a huge mental wall when it comes to carb loading before a ride....huge!!!! I have always had trouble with losing weight and it soooo goes against the grain of losing weight in my mind but I’m sure I need to do it and break down the mental wall. That one I do know. I make home made…
  • I have ridden in the MS150 for 10 years and it kicks my butt every year. I HATE riding in the cold so I don't ride during the cold months and every year it is like starting over. Every year my beginning ride is 10 miles and wonder how I ever ride 80 in a day, but I do because I work up to it little by little and add in…