partyqueen1234 Member


  • That was my thinking currently I need to lose weight at eating 1400 cal a dsy while working out will do that and surely if I only eat bread up to 1400 cal a day which I am not going to do I still lose weight as still my calorie intake once weight off I will focus on changing it more for nutritional but currently eating…
    in Food Comment by partyqueen1234 May 2017
  • I am having veg though on sandwiches, I am hsbing protein through eggs and ham and pulses such as baked beans etc. I eont be having this much bread every day 2-3 days a week the rest of week will be soup for lunch with only bread in the evening.
    in Food Comment by partyqueen1234 May 2017
  • Yes I know and 1400 is under way under but does it matter whst I use my calories on. I not really veg fan and eork and gym life hectic so cam only fo sandwiches for work and toast is better at night as easier
    in Food Comment by partyqueen1234 May 2017
  • I have more than 30lb to lose more like 4 stone but I want to lose 20lb hopefully in 9/10 weeks
  • Yes I have a fit bit and it adds my steps to my diary snd puts the calories I burn onto my daily calorie allowance but I don't usually eat thrm as not sure if I should
  • Am going to up my food intake to 1300 a day that gives me 200 cal breakfast, 400 lunch, 600 for tea and 100 for snack thankyou
  • As I have said I am knew to calorie counting and looking for advice on how many calories I should be eating it was mfp who gave me the 1200
  • Thankyou I used to do 1200 and was losing great. I think I might go up to 1300 cal a day and still hope for a lose of 2lb a week would that still give that based on my statistics and say 3 x 30 min eork out a week
  • Hi so I put in my height 5.4 weight 15.10 stone age 31 abd it said 1776 I honestly don't know how to work out what I should be eating a day to lose 2lb a week. Can you help me please
  • Sorry I checked my bmr and said it should be 1776 does that mean I eat that or alot less to lose weight. Am just new and looking for advice. I also opened up my diary now thsnkyou x
  • I am 31. I just don't know if it's just my body getting used to it. My bar is 1776 so really I should be eating slot less to lose weight should I not totally new yo it all
  • I am wanting to lose 2lb a week though and no idea how work out what I should eat to allow this
  • Am 5.4 weight 15.7 stone walk about 4.7 miles a day along either 30 min work put 3 times a week
  • Ps it's syncing my steps to mfp but nothing else
  • So it hasn't snack any your experience to mfp from your fitbit. Does excerise have be over a certain time to sync as calories am just stressing so much over it