kdemaio11790 Member


  • Hi Rebecca, I agree with Sue - walking is great. My friend has walking exercise videos and puts them on in her den to march along with. I love Pilates and Barre. Losing weight is 70% diet, but feeling good about your body can help to keep you motivated. Find a low impact exercise and gradually bring it into your routine.…
  • I need help getting over A plateau that is turning into an uphill slide with my weight. I'm 44 years old and lost about 15 pounds over the summer. My goal was to maintain for a little bit, but I'm afraid the scale is slowly creeping up. And when I renew my efforts, I end up crashing over the weekend to be back where I…
  • Hi everyone. Serial starter, that is totally me. I've been on a diet for the past 30 years. What I really need, is someone to wire my mouth shut for me. But I haven't tried joining a community like this. So, maybe a little support and encouragement will help to keep my mind off of food. Anyone have any tricks, especially…