cherrypalmosa Member


  • I presumed that after a rigid exercise , our appetite seems to crave for food since more calories are burn and more energy are being used. Its really what i usually experience though whenever i finished my workout routine, i always feel hungry and i ended up eating too much. Later on, i just kept on worrying if i just…
  • I ate lasagna, pizza and chocolate ice cream last night. Its too unrealistic for me to reject those foods after my week long strict diet.
  • I guess there is no really such word as actual exercise but if you want really to do it as a program then its the other way 'round. Maybe you just need to be more resourceful or imaginative at times since you cannot really own your time now because there's also someone who depends on you. Exercise is all about being active…
  • Diet soda fits for me. I love the different blend of flavours knowing that its sugar free and calorie free.
  • I guess we need to have a break when it comes to our everyday diet. I call it "cheat time" and its what makes me happy for a moment. I usually have food cravings at times even if I'm on a strict diet. But I always try to dicipline myself and stick to my diet plan. I usually have at least twice a month cheat time. I guess…
  • I'm not pretty sure though the reason behind your leg fatigue. Maybe one reason is you did not perform enough warm up exercises beforehand and your muscles was not able to adjust in the repetitions when you've done leg exercises. One thing I want to add also, maybe you lack protein in your diet and you may consider taking…
  • Doing household works for me is already an exercise. Just tune up the radio and move with it. Its also a good way of exercising though. Its not really a matter of solely exercise that you will give up anything for the sake of exercise. You can do multitasking if you want and the act of moving around, walking on the patio,…
  • I think they are just jealous of your figure wishing they could somehow try to do some workout like yours. Even though your a newbie, just don't mind them. Be proud of who you are, no matter what shape you have for as long as you believe in yourself then nobody can ever let you down.
  • Last year, I really had gained a lot then my friends were like teasing me telling me I am like a mother of 5 already. Well, I am not really fit shamed since I am confident for myself that I am just perfectly healthy. Lol. Until such time, as I wore my favorite coat, I realized something was really wrong. It was not really…
  • yes Absolutely right! As for me, I don't starve myself to achieve the weight that I wanted. Having a balance diet and proper exercise are the key to have a well maintained figure that everyone is craving for. Also, it must be coupled with discipline wherein there must always be limitations as well. What I love to make with…
  • Make a salad dressing with avocado. Shred some tuna and that's it. Then a side dish of apple and orange with fresh lemon juice on the side.