tcullom Member


  • Name: Trinity Age: 26 Height: 5'9" Current Weight: 270 Challenge Goal Weight: eh Ultimate Goal Weight: eh My motivation: This will answer why goal weights are undetermined. I dont care what I weigh... no really. It is just a number. I wanna go down some pants sizes and get in shape. I love the skin I'm in, I love me... but…
  • Eh. Limit? Got it lol
  • Shew that 30 second plank is no joke! Day on - check. I read it like oh easy.. then i planked... for 5 secs.. oh crap lol but i knocked it out. I did it til i could hold it for a 30 secs. Woop woop!
  • New to the group but excited to jump in full force! Cant wait to do these work outs! Day one = tomorrow. Lets get it!
  • I added you! Cant wait to help you move along on your journey. Tell me where you're at now.. goals? I havent been weighing because i just dont aant to know but I've been dieting for about 6 months and can definately tell! Pants sizes dropping. Im on a ketogenic diet and i work EMS... its gotten difficult to manage the…
  • Hey guys! I went through and added a bunch of you!!! I have had MFP for awhile now but im buckling down on my macros so i need the calculation for sure. I thought having some friends up here, commenting and getting comments, liking ect. would encourage me to keep up the diary when it gets touch. Judgement free allllll the…
  • I neeeeeed ya! Lets motivate and share, yaw!