A secret library with many books including an extension leading down into a basement with walls of books.
Tell me youre my girl and that I own you.
Your chi needs to be aligned in order to meet my frequency or else we cant function on the same, remove your clothes so I can massage your polarities correctly.
If you just lost a few pounds here and here then youd be more than a 7.
Talking about the worst things to say on a date, its a great outlet for crappy dates. Now I know they happened for a reason.
Is this a five condom night? Winks.....
Is it ok that I can have your leftovers for my dog?
The door to Narnia and secretly is an ice queen.
Is it ok that I brought my dog?
I had a dream before we met that we died as deep lovers and came back into this world in the now only to meet again.
My alter ego or higher self is other-wordly and I come from another planet. I think we are twin flames! ................. Want to astral to my starship?
My ex was a pagan that turned from strait to lesbian, you don't like women too do you? You sure not even bi?
Your pajama pants match your couch throw blanket. Laughs.
How much do you weigh?
Whats your blood type?
He says: I just got out of prison 3 months ago.........
Oh btw Im leaving the country tomorrow and wont be coming back. I have a wife and kids in Puerto Rico.
Im an engineer and Im a mathematician, let me calibrate you. Winks........ trust me I know all the algorithms
We are on the same wavelength and frequency, we also have the same vibrations, your auroa is a rainbow.......................... Do you have telepathic or empathic abilities?
He Says: I have a cryogenics capsule chamber in my basement, do you want to see? ............................................ Me: Sees the capsule and its real...... He Says: Do you want to look inside it?
I am Vald Tepes, call me Dracula....... ............................................................ Im also a vegetarian and despise such earthly things like sodas.
I forgot to tell you Im still married ......................... Can we still be friends?
Pandoras Box
The thought of my enemy falling in dog poo.
"Impossibility is relative" - Michio Kaku
Mrs. Lovette from Sweeny Todd
We would probably have our own laptops and sit somewhere researching or doing homework.
Buddha Radiant Altruistic Transparency S T A V A