*2 threads but it's cool
I feel like I'm getting taken out of context. I didn't say, eat as many calories as you want as long as they aren't fats.. I eat low calories with high protein and a decent amount of fats and carbs. I also workout 5 days a week. And yes, I'm in a large deficit. Honestly I'm pretty annoyed I said anything at all. Shouldn't…
Well *kitten* me right? Lol
Sorry if you didn't agree with my advice. But all I can do is speak from personal experience and I've been eating a protein rich diet for 2 months, working out 5 days a week and I've lost 22 pounds. I find when I eat a lower amount of fats(not cutting out fats completely) I get better results.
Is on point*^
Ur calorie intake and exercise in on point so the only thing would be eat less fats and when you do, healthy ones(avocado, almonds etc). Also you could space your meals out more to increase metabolism. I don't think the weight gain will continue. Good job! And good luck!
How many calories are you eating? I eat 1800 calories a day with high protein. I work out about 5 days a week. I've lost 22 pounds in 2 months. The key is low calories. So if your not losing enough weight. Cut your calorie intake down. 1-200 per day and see your results in a week. Also keep fats low and lean meats high.