mavisclump Member


  • I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand yesterday and am looking for the same information. The doc said that my treadmill is a no go for awhile, and I'm nervous about derailing the work that I've done in the last 2 months, especially because my body seems to crave nothing but sleep and food right now. Is this normal?…
  • Thank you! I used to love to run, but I injured my foot and had to quit for a long time. I am finally back on my treadmill (yay! My favorite cardio!) and am taking it fairly slow out of fear of re-injury. I have gotten up to 3.5 mph since March and plan to keep increasing slowly. I get on the treadmill every day, not only…
  • These are awesome responses!
  • I measure everything and have been "narrowing down" my diet, i.e. reducing variety in order to not become overwhelmed while I learn to eat differently. I don't allow myself to keep a big deficit, bc I know that going any lower than 1200 will make me sick, and my doctor will kick my a** lol
  • My doc has "prescribed" the 1200 calorie intake with low carbs, fat, etc due to some health issues, but I can increase the calories after I get close to the weight that I should be for my height. And thank you for the kudos!
  • How do you cope with disappointment?
  • Definitely not a failure! I like reading about everyone's stories and feel happy for their results. I guess I am just very hard on myself
  • Thank you. I get discouraged at least once a week when I weigh myself and see very little change, or it goes up a pound or two (I know this is likely water, but it still disappoints). I just can't get that scale under 170, and I hate trying to shop for clothes, because I still can't wear anything much smaller.
  • Yes, and I have been working on it for about 6 weeks. The exercise part isn't too hard; I've been able to do that for 33-34 days, but the learning curve on the nutrition part is huge. I seem to go over on every macro every week, despite checking all labels, rejecting all foods that have high anything in them, and strict…
  • Thank you everyone!
  • Thank you. It's nice to know that others are trying to navigate the nutrition world. I never imagined that the learning curve would be this steep.
  • This sounds like something that I might like, especially because I hate to cook! Thanks!
  • Yes, kidney and heart problems, plus insulin resistance. Low protein for kidneys, low fat for heart, and low carbs for blood sugar control. I will ask him on Friday about a dietician, because my research is overwhelming, and I feel like I can't eat anything.
  • Are the percentages in the macro goals for the day or for the week? If it is for the week, I will blow it every week by Tuesday.
  • I'm looking for ideas for how to make 10,000 steps per day when I have a job that does not allow me to get up and move much, and we have no stairs to add a few. I use the treadmill in the morning, but I think that I might only be getting a thousand or so. Thanks!