dorothyp3 Member


  • How can I incorporate my intermittent fasting without getting the message that I don't seem to be eating enough?
  • I'm having the same problem as the original poster and am waiting to hear back from MFP about it. But I have another problem - how do I find the caloric and other values associated with a meal/recipe if it's not listed in the MFP database? I've tried Googling, without success. Any help appreciated.
  • Hi. I'm Doro. I was on MFP a few years ago, and as I return, have discovered that I'm EXACTLY the same weight I was when I first started with MFP all those years ago. Since I've been trying to work on weight loss every single day, that is more than depressing. But here I am, trying this again to see if it'll make a…
  • Hi. I'd like to join, but am not sure I understand how to post daily - will the list of days allow me to make edits, or do I make additional posts daily? I don't get it. Sorry. : (
  • I need all the motivation I can get, so please add me too. Thank you.
  • This might be just the challenge I was looking for. Thanks for posting it. Day/Weight/Comment 10/30 - Not aware of challenge. : ( 10/31 - Found this challenge. Have 10 lbs to lose. 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/7 11/8 [/quote]
  • Oh, the torture of it all! Okay, I'm in (groan).
  • I just gained 2-1/2lbs in less than 48hrs on a sugar bender. I'm going to try the tea remedy, and please God, let it work.
  • Are there other times when it's all about her? If so, you might want to take a closer look at what you're getting into.
  • This may be what I need. I lost 13lbs, and in the past 3 days have gained back 2-1/2lbs because I went on a sugar bender. I've now got 12lbs to lose. I'll be a buddy to anyone who wants one.
  • I'm still tracking, but I noticed that I'm doing it after I've eaten the junk food. I'm going to try noting it just before I eat it and see if that helps any. I know I've got to regain my focus, but I can't figure out how to do that.
  • If you're drained when you get home from work then the shakes aren't sustaining you. You need to get some good old oatmeal into your body for breakfast or lunch so that you've still got energy when you're finished work. It takes 2 minutes to make oatmeal from scratch. Throw a handful of berries on top and enjoy. You can do…
  • I'm over 60 with an under-active thyroid. The ONLY way I can lose weight is by eating fewer calories than prescribed. I've almost done in my joints trying to do it with exercise. Eating less is the only way I can lose, and I attribute that to the thyroid condition.