All super helpful! Thanks everyone!
Awesome! thanks everyone
That makes sense! Thanks
I havent used one at my current gym but thats a great idea! thank you
Thanks everyone! this is all super helpful!
Awesome thank you! Also, did you have quad surgery as well? If so, did your atrophy ever get better? I have an awful indent at the top of my kneecap and lots of atrophy all along my quad.
Yeah, I actually cant do spinning because my issue is mainly my quad. I still have a lot of damage there and little strength so cycling actually is bad for me :(
Well the first time, I was cleared before I was ready. The second time, someone actually fell on my leg and reinjured it. I've had some bad luck. But thank you for your response! I started getting into plyo work and have been in pain a lot lately so I need to stay the strengthening route. I am just someone who misses hard…
idk how to delete on here lmao ignore this
Hi Everyone! I am new here also. I am just coming off of my 3rd quad tendon surgery. I am still in physical therapy but have been cleared to start working out on my own. I will likely only be able to do low-impact workouts for the rest of my life but I am still looking to get really fit. I am not afraid of a tough workout.…