amandamdouglas462 Member


  • I think you're right about my joints not being ready yet, my knees are getting pretty bad even on non workout days. I'm doing it more so to feel good but I don't have a YMCA membership I am already paying about $100 a month for bootcamp at the moment. Did you experience this with your joints if you've had children? My…
  • Ok good point, I will go there and check it out. I agree with the heavy shoes not helping out and feeling bulky. I'm not sure where to even start
  • Someone mentioned to me that I might need to buy new shoes. Anyone know of any good shoes for exercises like jump squats, lunges, jogging, not so much heavy weights but moderate lifting scenarios, bosu ball, etc.? I've been having a lot of knee pain as well especially with the lunges any advice on a good supportive shoe?
  • We do a pretty good warm up with some sort of cardio like jumping jacks and jogging for about 7 minutes. I always have a protein shake after working out and have really made an effort to try and eat more protein but maybe I've really been slacking and I know nursing requires extra protein as well
  • Hm that is something to to think about, do you think on the week I only worked out once they would have recovered? I'm definitely new to having this problem so have I clue ! Can the glycogen take a week to come back, maybe I went to hard the previous week?
  • Yes, it's just hard and I have to come to terms that I won't be today or tomorrow that I'll be fit, im going to have to ride it out and it's good to know I'm not the only one struggling but trying so hard and going in circles is very frustrating when you're overweight and aren't used to being that way but good luck to you!
  • Yes you're right, the place I go to has a daycare but yoga sounds like a great idea at home so I can tone my dealer muscles maybe and stretch. I always forget how much I love yoga until I do it again!
  • It's also kind of a mental break to get away from the kids for a little and relieve some stress so I would hate to drop 1-2 camps per week :(
  • I talked to my midwife and she's aware I'm doing a bootcamp but you're probably right about waiting a couple more months. I'm getting a lot of knee pain as well. All I want is to get back into good shape because I'm done having children and want to feel good
  • I don't think I'm undereating, I'm eating healthy foods and need to eat enough so I don't lose my supply as I'm still nursing my 4 month old and think maybe it has something to do with that. My only exercise is the bootcamp and walking with double stroller. I am very heavy compared to what my body is used to pre pregnancy…
  • We do a warmup and I stretch a little bit after but probably not enough. I take walks with my double stroller but not consistently. It just started happening to me and I've been doing the camp for about 8 weeks now
  • I'm 5"8 215 lbs and I workout about 3-4 times per week at a pretty strenuous bootcamp. My weight before having both kids back to back was 160 and I was solid. Looking to achieve that with about 22% body fat again.