bytheplanets Member


  • I think you need to focus more on diet and less on working out. I would try to accurately record what you are eating for a couple of days. Then find a way to cut out 500 calories a day. For me I found I was having lots of goodies (a croissant here, a cookie there) - cut things like that out. Plus alcohol, instead of a…
    in Lost Comment by bytheplanets May 2017
  • Yellow peppers Baby carrots Strawberries Blueberries Eggs Dannon light and fit yogurt Chobani nonfat Greek vanilla yogurt Walnuts Coke Zero La croix And
  • I posted about this a few weeks ago. I get around 20,000 steps about 4 times a week (other days I'm around 12,000 or so). Today, for example I am at 18,758 and my Fitbit says I've burned 3,031 cals. That sounds a little high to me! ( for info I am 39, female, 186 lbs and 5'9"). So generally I try not to trust the Fitbit,…
  • Right there with you
  • Thanks for the reply. I am 39, female, 5'9" and 188 lbs. I just started using Fitbit so it might take a little time to get to know me.