I made a similar post about this not too long ago but, I was in a similar situation where the girl I was with didnt like "eating healthy" nor had interest to really work out, or even go on walks, or liked me leaving to work out or go on a run cause she felt I was giving an excuse to not want to spend time with her. Stay…
Hello, I've used MFP years ago, recently got out of a relationship so now attempting to get my life & health & fitness back to where it should be, & some friends would be helpful along this new fresh journey. :smile:
Welcome Sue! Friends indeed would help, same in my situation. Feel Free to Add!
Thats pretty much along with other factors would lead to having distance in my case. I'd wake up Sunday morning, nice day, I'd want to go out for a run, or Hell see she'd want to join with a casual walk, she'd say shes not a morning person & wouldnt get up, or say "Your day off, & you dont even want to stay in bed &…
Precisely. Although with a S.O that will not fully support you & keeping junk food around, it does ultimatly take a toll on you because you want them to be happy & avoid arguments. In conclusion, I couldnt agree more.
Yeah I should of saw that, not as a sign but maybe a breadcrumb that might lead to other situations.