jusjoking Member


  • see 2nd line of the OP yeah, I have a nice Motobecane mountain bike. Its still brand new after having it maybe 6-8 years? it sure looks good leaning against the wall in that 2nd bedroom I havent done ANY real exercise in quite a while, besides walking a couple times per week.....thats one reason im so fat lol like ive…
  • I mean, I have a cell phone but I dont try to watch movies on it lol. Its for making calls and the occasional text. I cant do the modern "walking around face planted into a device" thing. Im old timey, I have one of those things called a laptop
  • Dunno, 1750 seems low. I see people weight 140 saying 1700 is maintenance for them Then again im sitting at 1300 cals today and I just ate my 2nd meal. Bedtime is like 4 hours from now and ill eat again but im not even hungry. of course ive had 0 activity (took a day off of work) unless you count doing guitar scales Im…
  • yeah, no smart phone here, oldschool yeah, thats interesting about the scales faking lol my cheapo scale ive had for years is the total opposite. Its sort of a "kinder, gentler' scale. If you weight 3 times u get 3 varying measurements so u can pick whichever makes u feel better my new scale hasnt come in yet. Im not too…
  • what is your experience level? if you are more or less a beginner than a 5x5 type program is great. if you've never lifted before then a nice 5x5 program will cause some nice changes to your body when you start filling out your shirts better etc its not as if people will say "omg, you arent doing any reverse delt flyes are…
  • word. I got a pic of me after basic and I looked like Bruce Lee lol. Id be scared to even look at it now good luck brother, Jonjon
  • what kind of scale?? I just ordered this scale for $50 http://promo.vanityplanet.com/body-analyzer-scale?utm_source=Igor+Opeshansky&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_campaign=igor&code=igor I just looked at trendweight. U cant manually enter the weight? Ill probably just stick to this site to keep it simple
  • ive just never been much of a runner, even when i was young and lean. I pretty much lived on a bicycle though over the past 25ish years, whenever ive tried to run/jog on a treadmill it only resulted in my shins getting totally locked up with lactic acid etc and at my age id be way scared of the pounding on the knees/ankles…
  • what about this site, dont they have a similar thing?
  • yeah, that might be a good idea. Pretty sure running is out of the question though lol. never been a runner. I have done powerlifting before. Squatted 425, bench 325 (315 in competition), deadlifted 445. Those numbers would take a couple years to get back to even if I stayed fat. But while losing weight?? not realistic.…
  • nice pic. yeah, im a musician and I want to get really sexy so when I do an album i can have a nice sexy pic....like this guy
  • nice. how long has it taken? you're pretty close to 200, you'll get it Its crazy, I used to love going to the gym. At times i lived in it, doing like 3 hour powerlifting workouts 3-4x per week. That past of me being a gym rat actually makes it harder to get back going because it seems ill never get back to where I…
  • How tall are you? at 300lb, 2100/day sounds like more than 2lb/week I dont think "binging" is a super huge concern for me. With me its been more like just consistently eating too much...every meal. Eating way too big of portions etc. for instance eating the whole can of pringles lol. or eating 3 pieces of dark meat kfc,…
  • nice work, looking good!
  • standing broad jump is a fun one to work on. I used to try to get 8' (IIRC, been a while) depending on your athletic level etc you could pick a goal like 6 or 7 feet or whatever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uwv-lFonDk
  • I hear ya and of course logically I agree. But the flip side of it is that starting off super slow feels like not doing much of anything I know that fat loss etc will slow as I lose weight, so id feel a little silly aiming at 1 lb/week when im just starting. It should be EASY to lose right now. 1lb to a 260lb guy doesnt…
  • nice work! btw u need to get some more leopard prints for the new you lol. Nothing like leopard/tiger patterns
  • thanks yeah, 2000 seems a decent way to start. Even at "moderately active" it puts me at 2lbs per week lose. Ill start around there and see how it goes Cheers, JonJon
  • how does it feel?? An interesting question because some people have NEVER "been in shape"...or like me havent been in shape for many years So this might be one instance where its ok to fantasize about how it will feel lol I started letting myself go in my 20s and have been fat/chubby/smooth pretty much ever since. Ill be…
  • add me please ill be 50 in about 2 months. I have really let myself go and need to drop about 80lbs. Have years of experience in the gym/powerlifting etc but havent lifted consistently in a few years. Also, have NEVER eaten a decent diet so its a bit uphill but the time is ripe for a change Cheers all, JonJon