wmd1979 Member


  • I wasn't aware it was moved and appreciate the clarification. Still, I think when people ask for additional information its a good thing. Its when people start answering questions blindly that you start to see ridiculous answers that can do more harm than good.
  • The same can be said for carrying in groceries, yet its a necessary task. Some people can't afford to pay others to shovel their snow, and unfortunately the job still needs to get done. As others have said, people need to know their limits and that is why its important to stay in shape and try to be as healthy as possible.…
  • You acknowledge that you have benefited from people asking what your goals are, yet you question why people do it? I think the fact that you have benefitted would show you that sometimes asking questions gives people the ability to give a more accurate answer. I think to answer the original question simply, people ask…
  • My girls still have candy leftover from last Halloween. Trust me, I have tried it, and its still good :smile: . They get so much on beggars night that I obviously moderate how much they can have. The assumption that kids are going to eat a full bucket of candy in a week doesn't make sense to me, however as a parent, I make…
  • The problem is, you seem to think the fast has something to do with your gains or losses, and other than possibly restricting calories, it doesn't. Whether you gain or lose fat or muscle has nothing to do with IF and everything to do with CICO.
  • No, just no. A person is not going to gain fat in a caloric deficit, and sugar doesn't magically round up the fat in your body and move it to your midsection. The one thing that will cut fat is a caloric deficit, and strength training will help preserve muscle, but as others have stated, you can't spot reduce.
  • No, go ahead and finish that thought. I said I was going to eat more vegetables, and that would qualify.
    in I need. Comment by wmd1979 October 2019
  • I think you are taking the bolded out of context because I haven't really seen that at all in this thread. For health reasons, it would be ideal for obese people to lose weight, but I haven't seen anyone just flippantly suggesting that it is easy. I also think blaming the diet industry is pointing the finger in the wrong…
  • A couple years back, I was going through a divorce and a couple months in I found out I had cancer. As I went through round after round of chemo, I was forced to tell myself to just put one foot in front of the other and repeat. You are going to want a change to happen all at once, but unfortunately thats not how life…
  • There is something eerily creepy about the way that you worded this that makes me believe you have done this before...
  • If you want to help, you could start by not spreading misinformation. First of all, CICO is not a theory. Its a simple equation, and depending on which number is greater, you will gain or lose weight. Second of all, the type of food a person eats has zero to do with plateaus. There have been multiple studies that have…
  • I feel like I laugh too much, but thats probably because I find things funny that other people would think are stupid. I once saw a sign that said "please don't write on this" and right next to it, someone wrote "ok" and I still laugh about that to this day. Ok, now I feel insecure about the fact that I laugh too much. :D
  • Right, but then in the same post, you followed it up with this: "The real "false truth" and secret sauce that people need to watch out for is that exercise is unnecessary as long as you have a calorie deficit and so therefore you don't need to bother with exercise if you can keep your food calories low" Do you not see why…
  • I couldn't possibly disagree with the bolded more than I do. Obesity increases dozens of risk factors for other diseases and saying it is a poor indicator of health is just flat out wrong. The argument that someone can be healthy at any size is absurd, and although an obese person may appear to be healthy at this given…
  • I agree with the bolded and I never disputed that. What I did dispute is your math claiming that cardio is responsible for your weight loss because you said you ate back all of your exercise calories. Your weight loss is because of your calorie deficit plain and simple. I also disputed that it is a false truth that…
  • As far as the OP I completely agree. Since he is close to goal, I would be in a mild calorie deficit with a good amount of protein to preserve muscle, and I would have a good strength training plan. I would limit cardio because it could be detrimental to the strength training.
  • You may have never specifically stated that cardio is necessary for weight loss, but in the same post you contradict yourself by saying that it is a false truth to say that exercise is unnecessary. Everyone understands what you are trying to say. You find cardio useful in your weight loss efforts, and thats great, but your…
  • I got three roses on my left side for my three daughters. I got a bible verse on my other side that brought me inspiration during chemo. I have a couple more, and probably a dozen more that I want to get, but I don't think anything could compare to the roses in my mind.
    in Tattoos Comment by wmd1979 October 2019
  • Exactly, and this point keeps getting ignored. The "math" that was given is absolutely incorrect. Deficit of 1000+350 from exercise -350 extra calories still equals a deficit of 1000. Whether the poster can stick to the calorie goal without the exercise calories is individual to them, and maybe hints that they are…
  • I definitely agree that BMI may not be completely accurate for everyone. I am slightly into the overweight range right now, but its the weight that best suits me and I am in far better shape now than when I was in the middle of my BMI range. I guess my point was though that I definitely didn't look sickly at a lower weight…
  • Even if she was wrong, and your form was fine, I think you come off as the bigger *kitten* in this scenario. Insulting her looks and talking about how built you are just makes you look like as big of a creep as the guy described by the OP.
  • I have heard so many people say this, and assuming your doctors recommendation is based on BMI, the vast majority of the time, it simply isn't true. There are very few outliers when it comes to BMI. It seems that quite a few people today tend to think that they are at a healthy weight when they really are not.
  • Because you weren't in a calorie deficit.
  • Thank you for this explanation. Its the exact same thing I was trying to stress, but apparently my "math" wasn't adding up to some people. Cardio is not required, and the affect it has varies on each individual.
  • Good point, hadn't thought of that. Clearly I am not as familiar with it as most.
  • Both people are losing weight, correct? I said that cardio was not necessary for weight loss, which you just proved by your scenario even though you made assumptions about how much each individual would need to eat to feel satiated. I could easily argue that the cardio that person B does is going to make them more hungry…
  • I don't see why that should prevent a reply though. If I was talking to someone that I considered to be serious enough to not talk to someone else, I don't think I would still stay active on the app. If I recall, isn't there a time limit in which the woman can reply after a match, like 24 hours or something?
  • This sounds like an absolutely terrible strategy. If I had no intention of talking to someone, I would never think to swipe on them.
  • If you are eating back the 350 calories that you burn from doing cardio, then cardio is responsible for 0% of your weight loss. Your weight loss is 100% coming from the calorie deficit that you are in. Granted, you do get to eat more because you are doing cardio, but you also may be more hungry because of it as well. I am…