lingally Member


  • Hey. This is a problem for me too. Once the day is over and I have been good all day... 8 or 9pm rolls round and I find myself searching for carbs. I like the idea of @biddysaurus and trying to eat more during the day. I also find I'm not hungry for breakfast and have read that my night time snacks may be the cause. I try…
  • @CSARdiver so I put in goals to lose 1lb a week. Sedentary lifestyle. And it gave me 1350 cals My watch activity app I have set to try and burn 500 cals a day. Easier on gym days than the weekend though. Only done 127 cals today. Mowing lawn. But it hasn't added anything to calories on mfp.
  • May I ask then. If I earn calories through exercise is it ok to eat these extras as exercising can make me hungry (as does concentrating.) Or should I just eat the 1200 and that's that.
  • @cross2bear I don't use my thyroid as an excuse but I do believe it's making it harder for me. Up until I was early 20s I was very small. Size 8 or 10. Within a year of being diagnosed shot to 16. I'm at 14 now but sometimes they feel tighter than normal. Only time I've been smaller these last 19 years is after my…
  • I've found the bar codes to be mostly accurate. I'm in the uk and seems to be ok. Except I scanned in something this week and it came up as raspberries. I will indeed dust off the scales
  • Thanks @rainbowbow it's good to hear it can be done. I've won other battles. But this weight thing seems to be the hardest.
  • @pinuplove. Hi. Yeah I have considered that. I don't drink to excess, don't binge. I don't smoke or take recreational drugs. (I did smoke. Gave up when I was 18- now 44) hubby likes a little drink at the end of the day when everything is done. And it's nice to join in too. I have maybe 1/2 a bottle left of a nice red. Then…
  • Thank you. I have about a stone and a half I'd like to lose and to those that have more to lose I suppose my problem may seem petty. But it's important to me. I always feel so proud when I see someone very large either at the gym or out walking. They may be feeling horrific but I think they look great.
  • Hi. So in the past I did lose weight on the south beach diet. That was in about 2006 but that was very strict. Recently (last 4 years) I have used a Fitbit and tracked calories on here. (Didn't always stay in track) but managed to get down to 145) but then lost motivation and crept back up to 158. I now have an Apple Watch…