sesshoudany Member


  • I live in London and have no MFP friends, because I keep logging in, lose a couple of kilos, and then I fall out of it again. I seriously need motivation, maybe we can help each other :smile:
  • Original start weight:149 (almost 68 kilos) Current weight: 142.20 (64.5 kilos) Goal weight for R12: 140 (63.5 kilos) Ultimate goal weight: 128 (58 kilos) 8/1 142.20 8/2 143.08 I guess it is time for me to pay for my weekend break (and crisps, and meat, and desserts). It was worth it though. 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10
  • Time for me to try as well! I have been on holiday in Greece, Italy and Scotland so I lost almost all the progress accomplished in the last 2 months :( Original start weight:149 (almost 68 kilos) Current weight: 142.20 (64.5 kilos) Goal weight for R12: 140 (63.5 kilos) Ultimate goal weight: 128 (58 kilos) 8/1 142.20 8/2…