Mbynum1913 Member


  • Thanks Tilliesmommy1- Gonna give the "start out slow"thing a try- again. My mind has this "all or nothing mentality" and I'm going to work on just taking little steps. :) Have a good Sunday!
  • Serial starter here... I've tried countless times the past ten years, and have been struggling to overcome my feelings of "just not caring". I don't mind the working out, but food is my killer. Mostly, I have thoughts of knowing I shouldn't indulge in eating unhealthy stuff, and just doing it anyway. Everyone's different,…
  • I am just now seeing that MFP is not only for tracking weight loss goals and encouragement, lol... With that being said, I like her glasses. I'm sure some dudes will dig it :)
  • Hey there everyone... not new to this, but this is probably the 5th time I've tried myfitnesspal. I think it's great to have support and if anyone wants to add me, that's cool. chat, share, talk about how much we miss donuts, etc. Good luck everyone :)
  • I think this is great! You are an inspiration! I'm also in the mindset right now of wanting to lose weight to "show" other people, but you have to realize it's not about them, it's about you. thanks for reminding me of that :)