afairfax47 Member


  • Sydney!
  • I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me here but have you ever tried fasting? I went on a water fast a few months ago, in 2 weeks I was losing a kilo a day & I did it for 12 days. If you don't like exercise it's a great way to kick start things. You put about 3 kilos back on (food in your stomach plus the water…
  • No! Why should I have to explain myself to you and your assumptions!? Besides I figured my comment was self explanatory when I said directly after the "look" comment that I had gamer tshirts & was into all that crap. Shouldn't you have assumed that's what I meant? I made an innocent comment on a friendly page and was…
  • No! Why should I have to explain myself to you and your assumptions!? Besides I figured my comment was self explanatory when I said directly after the "look" comment that I had gamer tshirts & was into all that crap. Shouldn't you have assumed that's what I meant? I made an innocent comment on a friendly page and was…
  • It's revenge of the nerds:p
  • You finally get it then! Precisely what i was saying when I said I don't look like a nerd! I didn't have a photo of myself in coaplay or in gamer dress. That's all I meant from it. You misinterpreted it & took it to a negative place because ... well again, we both know why. Peace
  • Lol, why don't you just admit it? The only reason you jumped on my comment was because you had a little problem with my appearance. Sooo many people posted pictures of themselves, claiming how much of a nerd they LOOKED like, yet you saved up your silly comment for my post...why?? Well you and I both know the answer to…
  • But I never said the cliche was a negative thing, you said it. So long as you haven't got a problem anymore we were always all good here. Try not to make assumptions in future without thinking though:)
  • So long as you haven't got a problem anymore we were always all good here. Try not to make assumptions in future without thinking though:)
  • Blah blah blah, like I said, you were the only one in this conversation who assumed looking like a nerd was a prejudice, therefore you're the one with the problem. You shouldn't assume such hateful things against people, & if there is a "cliche nerd look" that you were speaking of, why should that be a bad or unattractive…
  • When I said "look like a nerd" I meant someone who looks like a gamer / dresses up in Pokemon rubber suits / has purple hair, a nose ring & knows every line in all the Star Wars movies...YOU are the one who assumed that there was a prejudice in a nerds appearance, not me. So I guess by jumping to that conclusion you should…
  • When I said "look like a nerd" I meant someone who looks like a gamer / dresses up in Pokemon rubber suits / has purple hair, a nose ring & knows every line in all the Star Wars movies...YOU are the one who assumed that there was a prejudice in a nerds appearance, not me. So I guess by jumping to that conclusion you should…
  • No your comment wasn't necessary
  • Ha! That's exactly my weight & height! Although this is my starting weight. I'm aiming to get back to 55kg, my average weight.
  • I may not look like a nerd but pretty much every tshirt I own has some kind of gaming logo on it. Love old school Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation computers games & don't think I'll ever grow out of them!! Add me:)
  • I've doing it! Only my eating window is just 4 hours a day. I have done this before, only before I ate every 24 hours, I lost 10kgs in 1.5months and didn't even do any exercise. It's because your hgh levels rise & insulin drops (recipe for fat burning) The trick is is to drink black coffees, sugareless drinks and herbal…