SuccessJMG Member


  • I have an Aria from fitbit. It's spendy (about $100) but it syncs with my fitbit app and MFP and I never have to write anything down. It also calculates body fat percentage, but I am not so concerned about that (yet).
  • Everybody is different, but I have had the same pattern. I would be perfectly on plan, but I would gain a pound or two and get so discouraged. But then, if I stuck with it, I'd drop what I gained and then some - without changing a thing. That's why trends are more important than the fluctuations.
  • I, too, have done WW and been very successful. But it was too difficult to get to the meetings with full time work and other obligations. Then I tried on-line and felt I was just paying money for use of the phone app. Weight Watchers new point system does force you into making healthier choices. But it is definitely not…
  • Not that I am in any way an expert... As someone who has drank LOTS of diet soda for over 35 years, I never thought twice about the amount I was drinking. I am also morbidly obese. My doctor, who I respect greatly, suggested I try going without all artificial sweeteners citing studies that say for some people the ingestion…
  • I need to lose about 170, exactly half my current weight. It's overwhelming to think about the overall number, so working on the first 25. Baby steps
  • My mother died of cancer when I was 25. A year and a half ago, I lost my father to a severe infection. Before he died, he also had dementia, but he could still remember me. Despite having 8 other children, I was the one that made sure his bills got paid, he got to the doctor, he had groceries, clean laundry and a clean…