x3nomorph Member


  • evening , end of the day for me, that's the way our hunter gatherer ancestors ate the bulk of their calories, they sat around a fire with a nice cooked meal, that's the way humanity came to be around 1 million years back haha so there's prbly something to it
  • tbh it doesn't look good for you, sound like you are in a tail spin, you need to find a way that whatever you are doing is sustainable, sustainable means that you are not going to bed hungry, that you are not "binging", it means that you can go through out your day and are not hungry/thinking about food at 5'3 200 lbs you…
  • my weight loss was stalled for 3 weeks because of the creatine load phase but I could tell I was losing fat, since I could fit in a pair of 32 jeans for the first time in ages, I really don't understand why the numbers in clothes don't match the real measures in my waist(36 inches) either the jeans stretched somehow or…
  • WK........ Weight.....Week Chg.....Total......To Reach Goal 0.............238.6.................................................... 78.6 ....(started plant based diet) 03/06/17 1.............237.4...............-1.2..........-1.2..............77.4 2.............232.6...............-4.8..........-6.0..............72.6…
  • @gomissfitnes @wsandy8512 @brittdee88 @mikseyniha yes it looked good and tasted great haha, only downside it can become a bit of a challenge to eat that much food, my tummy mas bursting at the seams by the end, I'm sure the little good guys in my gut flora were happily munching on all that :D
  • bread is a calorie trap, at 1400 cals/lb will add up real quick, that said your weight it should be mostly water for increased carbs, you'll be back down in a couple days
  • week 12 completed, excited for tmw weight in, maybe the mini bulk is over, hopefully I can drop some pounds tonight's meal white rice sweet potato chickpeas tofu green veggies mushrooms salsa guac walnuts berries smoothie
  • damn, I'm jealous, all those fun outdoors activities... is there anything better for a kid than being a part of a scouts troop?
  • I used the term starve in a "tongue in cheek" way, prolonged calorie restriction is a path to longevity and health
  • so we have: 18/6 20/4 OMAD then 5/2 4/3 alternate day fasting so many choices to starve ourselves, we humans are an inventive bunch B)
  • you had a good 6 week stretch, you lost a good chunk of weight combining OMAD with 5/2 thats a killer one two punch you prbly know this, the 5/2 diet was advocated by a british journalist Michael Mosley
  • you say you are skinny fat? in that profile pic you look skinny to me, not skinny fat, be realistic about how a woman's body without drugs will look, nowdays you have all these muscle bunnies at the gym, super tiny shorts, olympic lifting shoes and insanely lean with a fair bit of muscle for a woman, they are swallowing…
  • haha is true, most people will fail at diets and yoyo up and down, this very same group, like 700 members and you can count the temporary success stories with less than one hand :D is a complete joke reality is that as long as people keep eating crap foods and smother it with cheese they will fail, if you wanna have true…
  • that's a big chunk of weight considering your height/gender/starting weight, good job
  • crazy that you quit smoking just like that, that's worth many many pounds off the scale in health currency haha and back to OMAD too, good job
  • amazing what the fear of disease and a slow painful death can do for willpower :D keep it up girl haha
  • nicotine is an appetite suppressant so is normal when you are off of it you'll be hungry af, don't sweat it if you gain some weight back, just focus your effort on quitting smoking for good, that will give you the most health gains then when you are out of the woods you can go hard at weight loss, one demon at a time haha
  • damn you lost 51 lbs already, congrats! tremendous progress, keep it up I hadn't seen your thread before, all these journals with names different than their handle are confusing as hell haha
  • WK........ Weight.....Week Chg.....Total......To Reach Goal 0.............238.6.................................................... 78.6 ....(started plant based diet) 03/06/17 1.............237.4...............-1.2..........-1.2..............77.4 2.............232.6...............-4.8..........-6.0..............72.6…
  • your priority now(since you are starting) should be to stick to OMAD and fast for the following 23 hours, don't worry about weight loss, master/get into the OMAD rhythm day in and day out to the point is a solid established habit and you are not hungry up until your meal time, don't deprive yourself, eat in abundance in…
  • week 11 completed, had a good week diet and exercise wise, excited for tomorrow weight in, hope I didn't gain to much haha tonight's meal brown rice split peas yams guac veggies berries smoothie
  • if you wanna quit smoking, I've heard that doing an extended water fast can help with the withdrawal period, also you mentioned insomnia, caffeine has a 17 hour half life in the body and plays a big role affecting quality of sleep, not sure how much you are ingesting but an intake reduction might help so you are not doing…
  • Pritikin diet is like the poor man's version of what other plant based doctors recommend haha, I think it allows like 4 ounces of meat a day? that's like half a chicken breast, I'd rather go all the way plant based, just my 2 cents
  • was just reading the new development about your blood work, I think this may be a good time to come over to the dark side and go plant based vegan, eating animal products in moderation is not gonna reverse the heart disease you already have, your diet now is pretty good for an omnivore, but the damage of decades going ham…
  • hmmm vegan? very good, we need more of us so we can take over the keto people around here...barbarians at the gates! :#
  • whats going on in this thread guyz? I logged in +21ks on my Garmin swim this week if I don's drop weight on monday(very possible) I'm gonna lose my chit! :D
  • look at you, standing hand in waist and all, you gals certainly enjoy your bathroom selfie pics haha
  • creatine improves performance and recovery, it wont give you any muscle gains, for gaining muscle you need a calorie surplus, unless you are a newbie or on gear, none of those applies to me. I've noticed an improvement in strength, stamina and recovery time, it's pretty much the only supplement that's proven to work so…
  • yes, I'm pretty sure is the creatine, today I had the first workout after a few days on it and added weight to the bar in most exercises, is probably gonna be a couple more weeks like that, or maybe not, we'll see
  • WK........ Weight.....Week Chg.....Total......To Reach Goal 0.............238.6.................................................... 78.6 ....(started plant based diet) 03/06/17 1.............237.4...............-1.2..........-1.2..............77.4 2.............232.6...............-4.8..........-6.0..............72.6…