Hi everyone, I have decided to start a log to track my progress since the weeks keep adding up in my weight loss journey and I sort of realized this is going to take many months , so I better have a place to keep tabs and also share with other OMADers I haven't been fat all my life, I actually was fairly fit, into sports…
the guy says you can eat 10 000 cals and NOT gain weight, you will just burn it out magically also says if you restrict calories, you eventually will gain weight because your body will restrict calorie expenditure to the point you will gain weight, has he ever heard of something called BMR? these pearls of wisdom start…
hello fellow OMADers I have been doing this program for 6 days now and I feel GREAT, no hunger, great energy, I can even do medium intensity workouts while fasted, it seems almost too good to be true and the food taste delicious at the end of the day anyway, my question is about the rate a weight loss for a moderate active…