ms_havisham Member


  • I'm a binge eater. I would rather not eat throughout the day so I could have an enormous and satisfying meal. 1 sandwich is never as good as 2 or 3. Being strict with my calories initially has helped my stomach shrink and I feel better now eating less than I do more. I am still an emotional eater, but I have to say as much…
  • I tried losing weight in my teens, twenties, early thirties, and now, at 38, I actually find it easier. Counting calories and logging everything is a huge part of it but what has helped me most is that my mindset has matured. I have better self control now, and now I see everything that I do towards my goal as something I…
  • I didn't start off eating my exercise calories, but then, my exercise routine was sporadic. I recently went to from that to a workout or 2 every day and was suddenly cranky and lightheaded, a bit nauseous and had no appetite. Since then I have worked really hard to eat the extra calories and feel better. Side benefit, I…
  • On the flip side, I was surprised at the portions that were actually larger than I expected when I weighed them. Some of the veggies, lunchmeat, etc.
  • As far as foods go, have you looked at some alternative grains/pastas? Not sure of what specific foods you have to avoid, but there are pastas made with chickpeas, lentils, peas, etc that are gluten free. Quinoa can help bulk out what you are allowed too. The diet does seem a bit extreme, and I have been on a few medically…
  • I don't eat clean much of the time, but I love cooking so a lot of my "unhealthy" choices are buttery sauces, home baking, and piles and piles of delicious carbs. I started this with a friend and we promised each other that the goal was sustainable change...and we know we can't sustain any change that cuts out nights of…
  • I had a lot of trouble with POTS when I was younger, my blood pressure was typically in the 80-90/40-50 range. As I near my 40's it rarely bothers me and my blood pressure is in the 90-110/50-65 range. One thing I would ask, do you have any digestive issues? I have Crohn's and because of the symptoms, I was consistently…
  • I would never consider surgery, but that one was never even an option because I have Crohn's disease and have had too many abdominal surgeries. I am 5'5" and began at 225 a year ago. I am currently at 173 and took a loooong hiatus because I ended up with a stubborn broken ankle that wanted to stay that way. I didn't do…
  • I have gone up and down multiple times, pregnancy, illness, medications, injuries etc...and weighed anywhere between 135 and 220. My bra size has been anywhere between a 36 C and a 42 DD...with the exception of pregnancy and when my milk came in (you really don't want to know, they were gigantic. I woke up one day, looked…
  • I have lost and gained repeatedly over the last 20 years, not just since I began MFP years ago. I have Crohn's Disease and flare-ups cause me to lose weight quickly and then meds, illness, or surgery lead me to pack it on. I would tend to diet to lose, but with my focus only on numbers I would often lose the weight far too…
  • I care for my 2 year old niece for 7-10 hours 4-5 days a week, and when I can't fit a workout in before I leave home I do a yoga video with her. She will copy some positions, climb under me for others, or just climb on me, but it gets me moving. Or we just run around the house...the toddler version of running steps is an…