I Don't know what to eat



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    edited January 2018
    I don't have as many problems as most with the credentials, assuming they're real. I've actually met and been treated by competent Polish trained doctors.

    This does not mean that every doctor is a true professional (they should be, but it is not always the case).

    However adrenal fatigue is a definite woo buzzword. Which would make me automatically question everything.

    Furthermore this is in Ontario, right? If you are paying out of pocket and this is not part of your provincial medical, THAT would be an large danger flag and would urge me to walk away.

    Unless things have changed a lot.. the Ontario provincial medical plan does cover most medically necessary exams and procedures.

    If you are covered by your provincial medical then you would have been sent for a consult by your GP who would be getting reports and presumably would be able to offer a second opinion and a referral to a registered dietitian to explain how and what to eat and how much.

    So. If no other doctors (your GP for example) are involved and you're paying out of pocket.... and adrenal fatigue... yeah... then I would personally fear you may be falling in a rabbit hole designed to suck money out of you while relying on the power of placebo effects and random chance to make you feel better.

    In any case, I do hope you find the answers you're looking for. But I would urge you to look for them through conventional science based practitioners.
  • ms_havisham
    ms_havisham Posts: 42 Member
    As far as foods go, have you looked at some alternative grains/pastas? Not sure of what specific foods you have to avoid, but there are pastas made with chickpeas, lentils, peas, etc that are gluten free. Quinoa can help bulk out what you are allowed too. The diet does seem a bit extreme, and I have been on a few medically necessary restrictive diets.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
  • Willowbeach2
    Willowbeach2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, ....Doctors dont listen to women when they speak of fatigue, exhaustion, aches and pains. There are people who get blood results back and there is an optimal level in the "normal range". But the doctors get the blood work and say. "oh its fine", must be something wrong with you other than your Thyroid or adrenals. The thyroid and adrenals have a lot to do with your body. I could not get any doctor to take me on the higher end of the Normal scale as it between one number and another. Even at the top end of pre diabetes blood test, they said oh your fine.
    TSH of your thyroid needs to be in an optimal range and doctors should treat the symptoms of the blood results. I have lived this for years. I put my mind to to on Tuesday last week and I have not strayed. I am proud of myself. I am dropping weight for the first time in 10 years. He will introduce it back slowly to see why the bloating and inability to drop weight. Adrenal fatigue is a life changing condition, and so is Thyroidism. It takes many doctors to realize you just dont treat the TSH. This has worked for me and I am only struggling with getting the food receipe . I have joined Whole30 and that has helped tremendously. Trying their version of spaghetti sauce today without tomatoes. Beets and Carrots !!!!! Wish me luck