I Don't know what to eat

I have been put on a no sugar, no gluten, no dairy, no nightshade vegetables diet. No fructose, no sucrose, no wheat, rye, no nuts. I don't know what to eat, everything has sugar in it almost.


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    If a doctor gave you such a restrictive diet for some hopefully medical reason, you should be referred to an RD.

    If it wasn't a doctor or RD, I would suggest you get a second opinion. I would have to be avoiding some pretty life altering medical conditions to be able to eat such a restrictive diet.

  • Willowbeach2
    Willowbeach2 Posts: 7 Member
    A Dr. Kiellerman in Whitby Ontario, at an advance medicine office. Thank you I will look into the Whole 30 protocol. I can eat meats ok but sick of cauliflower, broccoli and salad. I do feel better which is the only thing keeping me going on this.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    A Dr. Kiellerman in Whitby Ontario, at an advance medicine office. Thank you I will look into the Whole 30 protocol. I can eat meats ok but sick of cauliflower, broccoli and salad. I do feel better which is the only thing keeping me going on this.

    Go to the Whole 30 website - the groups on Pintrest and Facebook have bastardised it and aren't legit.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    I would run away from this dr.
  • alicebhsia
    alicebhsia Posts: 179 Member
    can you eat beans, tofu, tempeh? vegan soy burgers, soy "chicken", eggs?
  • Willowbeach2
    Willowbeach2 Posts: 7 Member
    I can eat meat, no beans. My family doctor just ran blood tests and never called me when some were abnormal. I found out when I received my records recently. My Endo would nothing for me but say come back in a year. I have heard many good things about him. I will see a nutritionist thank you and go to the Whole 30 website. Thanks

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    edited January 2018
    I am being treated for sensitivities. I am being treated for Thyroid issues, bloating, cannot lose weight, puffy all over major fatigue and weakness, adrenals wonky.
    I miss my tea in the morning with milk and sugar. Foods can affect your Arthritis too, which I have in all my joints.

    When you say "treated," to me that implies the diet is intended to be permanent (as opposed to a "cure," which reaches an end-point, or a diagnostic tool to discover which foods, if any, may be causing you problems). Am I wrong? Is there a plan to reintroduce foods one at a time and see which ones seem to have an effect on you? If not, this seems like a miserable way to live, in addition to making it difficult to get all the nutrients you need, and I can't see doing it based on an assumption that all these foods you've eliminated are problems for you. Did this "Dr. K" actually run any tests to confirm that you actually have sensitivities to multiple food groups and food types?

    ETA missing word.
  • Willowbeach2
    Willowbeach2 Posts: 7 Member
    I stay on this diet for 30 days or so, until my next appointment. Then we will reintroduce things bit by bit and review my bloodwork. Thank you Blackmantls I love plantains Yes I have not had tomatoes, potatoes or rice, wheat barley, corn etc. Actually it is easier than I thought it was going to be Looking to find someone I can ask what is my best option in the area or online. I have dropped 7 pounds in a week and feel determined. Thanks again Blackmantis.

  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Any doctor that states 'adrenal fatigue' makes me think quack. So with your 'adrenals wonky' comment, I'm thinking quack.
    Although I don't think there is anything wrong with an elimination diet to pinpoint allergies and similar, but I'd take this whole treatment thing with a grain of salt.

    I'd seek treatment from a better doctor. Everything about this 'wellness' center screams woo.