ofelecia Member


  • Welcome! I'm new here too, and I know exactly what you mean about WW (which I've had on and off success with). This is my 1st week using MFP after WW, and I find that I'm inclined to want to snack on or load up on fruit and veg --until I remember that those cals will count! My diet is generally pretty clean, and I know my…
  • Thanks for the positivity, mca90guitar! and I don't know the website you mention, numenulife, but I'll check it out. Thanks!
  • Good luck, Toni! Your post really spoke to me because I've been losing and gaining the same 10-20 pounds since my kids were small. I'm Felecia, a 55 y.o. mom of three: a 17 y.o. and 14 y.o. twins. I can be very motivated when it comes to losing weight, but keeping it off always seems such a struggle--even when I'm aware of…
    in Hello! Comment by ofelecia May 2017
  • I'd love to join your summer 12-week challenge group! I'm working on being about 20lbs down by the end of 12 weeks. I currently do Beachbody CIZE videos (30-40 mins of cardio dance) at least 5 times a week, and would like to add another 20-30 mins of exercise (of the squats/crunches/lt weights variety) 3 to 5 times per…
  • I used to love WW and have had success with it, but like you, started to find myself cheating the program and gaining a bit of weight, so I decided to quit it and go back to counting calories. Logging food and exercise is pretty much the same with both programs but, in a way, counting cals forces more honesty because…