WildEnglishRose Member


  • So many Alyssas.. I'm so glad I chose such a pretty name for my daughter! Sorry just had to post that lol xx
  • Hey hun. Best advice from me is to try lowish carb if you can. Not stupidly low, eat good wholegrain carbs. But you definitely don't want to get gd, it's a nightmare and can really affect the baby as well as you. I've been there, was not not nice.. for me or my baby xx
  • Hi Ali! I'm Kelli. I completely understand what you're going through. I have 6 children, and the temptation of all the snacky stuff my partner and the kids have in the house is a massive thing for me! I'm also a gamer, which doesn't help ( popcorn whist gaming is a must for me), and my partner likes BIG portions, also…
  • Hi all, I'm Kelli. Long story short, used to weigh between 112-126lbs, even after having my fourth child. I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall and 37 yrs old. Since i started working at Tescos and having lots of quick easy food available for breaks (no longer work there thankfully lol) and having my last 2 children I ballooned to…
  • Have introduced myself on the community forum, as I didn't realise I had to do it here... baby brain haha! I'm Kelli and I'm 37 and about 154lbs. The rest of my introduction is on the community one. If anyone could give me some support I'd really be greatful. Thanks and hope you're all well ☺