Super smash bros talking about beer and chicks
@getupforchange you rock
I'm 25
Grrr... I'm legit 25 tho
I've been trying to control my diet for the last couple of months. When I got into shape ppl were pushing food on me plus I ruined my left knee. I feel your struggle. It's never a linear path. You can do it!
Oh it's going quick fist bump
Yes I sleep in collared shirts sometimes..
Yeah it made zero sense. Must be body type or just trying to bring me down. I'm 179/179 6'1 and 20%
Yeah prob
Buy a log cabin and philosophize about my own existence. (While sitting on piles of cash)
Yeah I have before I usually go way over in fact I've gained 16lbs in the last few months bf percentage now around 20% if anything I'd want to cut now but many say bulk for 6 months to a year before you cut as you'll see a huge difference due to less muscle loss which would result from shorter bulking periods
I think that's what's up. Another supportive family member tells me to "shut up I don't care" and "good for you" when I accomplish anything. Poison!!
I'm eating 3-4000 a day prob. Thing is I HAVE put on size my before after is day in night in terms of how big I am. I think it was to get on under my skin. Now I just want to get bigger. Enough with the home gym. I take muscle milk and musclepharm crunch bars throughout the day. Need new supplements to add to the routines…