crazyycatladyy1 Member


  • Op I'm a bit surprised at all the push back you're receiving over your question, but maybe I have a different perspective since I'm a participant of the NWCR? It does seem like many users here have no problem posting all sorts of personal info though, from very in-depth time of month questions, to sharing the prescription…
  • As lemurcat frequently points out in these types of threads-those sugary dessert foods are also usually full of fat. So why is it the sugar that's the 'addicting' ingredient and not the fat? I have Reeses' Filled Muffins sitting on my counter right now-one muffin has 450 calories, 37g of sugar and 24g of fat. Or 18% of the…
  • I ate almost 2lbs of cherries yesterday. No way could I do that with Hershey's miniatures (because, yuck).
  • Over the past 5ish years I've been doing IF and most days I don't start eating till after 10am (closer to 11am-noon). I'm not usually hungry in the morning and a coffee is enough to get me going. Right now I'm eating earlier though, due to needing to take a prescription for shingles and it's messing my whole day up :p I…
  • Yep. I also had confidence/liked my body when I was 50lbs heavier too. Op-many people think something magical will happen when they hit their goals weight, and have too high of expectations of what weight loss will actually do. If you're not happy/confident now most likely you won't be happy/confident when you're…
  • Yep this. In terms of weight loss it doesn't matter what you're eating or drinking, just that you're hitting the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals.
  • Lost 50lbs and I've been in maintenance for 4 years now.
  • OP, are you still getting routine bloodwork panels done, even if you're not going to the doctor on a regular basis? Here's the numbers that McDougall says we all need to be at- I get bloodwork done twice a year, due…
  • I'm a slow eater, drives my husband nuts lol. Lunch is my biggest meal of the day and it can take me 30 minutes to get through it, (I'm also usually on MFP so that slows things down).
  • This has been my experience as well, (thankfully). Even now, having greatly reduced my meat consumption due to experimenting with a more whole foods, plant based diet, I still enjoy the grass fed steak on the grill I eat every Sunday, (the only red meat I'm currently eating). Changing up my woe hasn't changed my taste buds…
  • Welcome to the group :) I do the same as you do-eat a bit under during the week so I can have epic weekends :D
  • Just watched it and loved it-thanks for posting!
  • Just a little follow up to our side discussion of Furham-I've been digging around his website and he actually doesn't advocate completely cutting out meat if one doesn't want to, but instead to just minimize it and make smarter choices (like low mercury fish etc). I also realized, after reading through his plan, that I'm…
  • This. There's quite a taste difference between the two.
  • There's actually quite a few vegans /vegetarians/wfpb followers here, but probably not a lot of competitors, (regardless of woe).
  • Here's my list for this week, for myself, (my family has a different menu/list than I do)- -loaf of sprouted grains bread -package of generic Laughing Cow light cheese spread (Aldi version) -3pkgs of frozen California blend veggies -1pkg of frozen asparagus -bag of sweet onions -2 bags of mini-sweet peppers -2 pkgs of…
  • I've also read the above, and the blue zones studies are the only one of the three that actually compelled me to experiment with my woe, (as well as the big meta study that recently came out for the Imperial College London). However, having switched to a mostly whole foods, plant based diet hasn't done anything for me-I…
  • There's a pretty low tolerance for woo around here, so that's why you're getting the push back. Mcdougall has a forum on his website-maybe that would be a better fit for you? eta: here's the list of foods and drinks you'll no longer be able to have, have fun with that :p…
  • I was drinking 4-6 cans a day during my weight loss phase and never had any weird reactions? Also, diet soda is like 99% water.
  • I've been eating a separate menu than my family for the last 5ish years-through my weight loss phase and now several years into maintenance. I do IF and eat at different times than my family does. I've also experimented with different eating styles throughout this whole thing, and would never try and push these onto my…
  • Yep, dh knows what my maintenance range is because I've mentioned it to him.
  • Her experience is the same as mine. Lost 50lbs while drinking it, now 4 years into maintaining a bmi of around a 20, while still drinking it every day. I'm also in excellent health by every marker and blood test my doctor uses.
  • This. It was beneficial for me during my weight loss phase because I switched from regular coke to diet, and with the switch I was able to cut out a bunch of calories. I also would drink one when I had a craving for something sweet, which also saved me some calories. I still drink it now several years into maintenance…
  • Yep, this. I buy boxes of sucralose packets at the dollar store. I like my coffee sweet and one packet does the trick, vs several teaspoons of sugar that would add up in calories.
  • I have shingles right now and I'm up 4lbs. I also haven't been eating a lot, (pain and prescriptions are causing a lot of nausea), and know the temporary gain is from inflammation. After it passes the extra weight will drop plus I'll probably lose a bit more, due to not eating a lot of calories for the past few days, (I've…