AliAppleLover Member


  • After college I was pushing 155lbs and I really didn't like how my clothes were fitting, so I committed to losing 30lbs. It's been 10 years and I've successfully maintained 125-130lbs (I'm 5'7). What's worked for me: - Habits! Forming healthy habits that became part of daily life really take the brain work out of…
  • B: Smoothie bowl with avocado, spinach, kale, pineapple, banana, berries, spirulina. A sprinkle of muesli on top. L: Roasted asparagus, eggplant, zucchini, and peppers dipped in tomato sauce. Grilled squid and chickpeas. S: Large cold brew with almond milk. A rice cake with hummus. D : Shrimp and fruit skewers.