evantfunk Member


  • When I started at the gym again you could see my stomach whenever I did an incline bench exercise. I've lost 23lbs in the last 21 weeks and can no longer see my stomach when doing incline bench exercises! I'm also the strongest I have ever been at 270lb 1rm on the Bench.
  • Been doing jeto for about 4 months and I'm enjoying the results and the benefits. Could always use more friends
  • Its worked very well for me! Ive lost almost 40lbs in 4 months. Energy levels are up and so is my strength
  • Hello @ripleyricketts. My ratios are 70-80% fats, 20-25% protein and 5% carbs. I do cap my protein at about 1g/lb of lean mass and my carbs 30g. It all depends on how active I am that day. More activity = more protein. The biggest thing for me is staying hydrated i have at least 100 oz of water a day. As long as you keep…
  • Been doing keto for 3 months with great results! I've lost 35lbs and had slight strength gains as well. Looking for friends as well, feel free to add me.
  • @Hudsonsma You should be trying to aim for 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein and 5% carbs. Depending on your activity level the protein will either go up or down I find that I need no more then 1 g per lean body mass. So for me on my lifting days I'll eat more protein so I can feed my muscles for recovery. This is what I've found…
  • You can do it @TorLance. It's definitely worth it in the end. I also am doing the keto diet. If you need someone to motivate, encourage or get diet ideas from, add me as a friend.
    in WOW! Comment by evantfunk June 2017
  • @GaleHawkins thanks for your wisdom. You are very inspiring
  • I eat around 200 grams of fat (65-70%) around 135-150 (25-30%) of protein (depending on my activity level that day and around 25g of carbs (5%). Obviously the grams are going to be different depending on your basal metabolic rate. I've been doing keto for 5 weeks now and aside from the first few days I've never felt…
  • Hey Leah, The keto diet is basically changing the bodies primary source of energy (which is carbs) and switching it to fats. You do that by having a diet comprising of mostly fats (65-75%) a moderate amount of protein (20-30%) and minimal carbs (5%). Once in ketosis your body starts producing ketones and you're in a…
  • Been doing keto for about a month. Loving the weight loss (20lbs approx.) and the benefits from going keto. Feel free to add me
  • You bet! Small world, never thought I'd see anyone from Manitoba on here.
  • Yeah Manitoba! @vickyrose94
  • Hey looking for friends doing low carb/ keto diets. I have an open diary and am mostly into body building.
  • Hello, I'm also looking for friends who are doing the low carb thing. Specifically keto, but anything's good.