LaurenInLA Member


  • Hi Barbie, I just moved from Seattle to Fort Lauderdale. This is my second time on My Fitness Pal. There is hope. I lost 42 lbs. here 7 years ago and through the process adopted a vegetarian lifestyle. Three years ago, I took the plunge to Vegan. Starting a little bit later into May but my goals for this month are: 1. To…
  • I've been vegan for 7 years and feel free to add or message me as well if you have any questions. I am a great follower of Dr. Michael Gregor, Dr. John McDougall and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. You might want to check out Rip Esselstyn (Doctor's son). He wrote Engine 2 Rescue and you can find him on Facebook. He has a 7 day…
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