seppat97 Member


  • I have almost 100 lbs to lose (95 lbs.). I would like to get my black belt in tae kwon do, but I need to step up the fitness part for sparring. Feel free to add me.
  • I need to lose at least 95 pounds because I am 5' 1/2''. I might as well face it. Let's face it together!
  • Hello, everyone! My name is Sharon, and I need to face the fact that I need to lose at least 95-100 1lbs. I am currently 195 at 5' 1/2'' and probably in the danger zone weight wise. To get my black belt in Tae Kwon Do, some of this weight really needs to come off. This is one of my dreams. I need to face just how bad it…
  • I gain weight when I do not monitor it too--a lot! My estimate was too low! I am trying not to take small fluctuations to heart, because I wear different clothes etc. when I weigh most days. I am trying to train myself to look for a long term trend. Therapy concerning my upbringing is helping too!
  • Thank you! I have issues using the bathroom scale due to my upbringing. I am using the one in the health unit at work to face my fears and not have a scale staring at me at home. (I gave mine away.) The one at work is quite advanced and gives a printout. Anyone can use it after hours as well. Do you feel the same way, or…