mochabella1028 Member


  • Hello, I am a returning newbie as well. I had gotten about 20 lbs from my original goal weight and then got pregnant. Three years later I am finally ready to commit to getting the weight off and welcome support and motivation. I log at least 6 days a week and am available for support. Any new friends or those interested in…
  • I do this as well. I have such an erratic schedule that relying on exercising after everything is done means I often don't work out. I find that getting up a bit earlier before everyone else gets up and exercising is the best way for me to go. It also helps me to know it is over and done before the day gets started and I…
  • I would love friends to keep me motivated. Just started back here after a two year hiatus. 33, mom to a beautiful three year old finally ready to commit to getting back to post baby body.