Does anyone workout in the MORNING????



  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I don't get it. You need to wake up 7 hrs before work? What time do you get home and go to bed?
  • Asherix
    Asherix Posts: 6 Member
    I work out in the mornings because I know I won't if I don't. Also I have found I have a lot more energy to get me through the day.
  • ffswmn
    ffswmn Posts: 30 Member
    I work out in the morning for a couple of reason 1. It's done and over with. 2. I like working out on an empty stomach. Tips on how to be motivated to do it...well DH and I are "competing" right now so I want to make sure I work out just as much as him. I'm very competitive and don't want to lose. lol. Plus I just make myself get up and do it.
  • mochabella1028
    mochabella1028 Posts: 3 Member
    I workout in the morning because I tend to be able to push myself harder. I just cut out tv at night and wake up a little earlier.

    I do this as well. I have such an erratic schedule that relying on exercising after everything is done means I often don't work out. I find that getting up a bit earlier before everyone else gets up and exercising is the best way for me to go. It also helps me to know it is over and done before the day gets started and I have better energy through out the day.

    I set an alarm with a motivating message on my cell phone.
  • suzycav77
    suzycav77 Posts: 189 Member
    I prefer to work out in the morning because I feel it sets me up for the day ahead.
  • raquele3394
    raquele3394 Posts: 180 Member
    I love working out in the morning! In the afternoon, I don't give my best. And when I get home I am starving and usually make something quick that does not fill me up.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    if i didnt work out in the morning, i wouldnt work out at all.

    my gym is on my way to work.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I don't get it. You need to wake up 7 hrs before work? What time do you get home and go to bed?

    I go to bed as soon as I get home and shower. My "me time" is in the morning, before work. I find that it sets a better tone for the work day. My stress levels have been effectively zero since I started running my days this way.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I work with my body's rhythms, not against them. I am a morning person, so that's when I run. I am a slug by 8:30 at night.
  • jerseyboss
    jerseyboss Posts: 22 Member
    When I'm in work I set off walking at 5.45ish and it takes me 50mins walking.
    When I'm off I'd prefer to do it in the morning because I have so much to do and I'd like to get it out of the way but it's not always the case so my week is mixed times.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I don't get it. You need to wake up 7 hrs before work? What time do you get home and go to bed?

    I go to bed as soon as I get home and shower. My "me time" is in the morning, before work. I find that it sets a better tone for the work day. My stress levels have been effectively zero since I started running my days this way.

    Ok, that makes a lot more sense now. You basically do your day prep at the beginning of your day, as I think most of us do the night before. I was imagining having almost a full day before work begins, and then having a few hours in the evenings too, leaving very little time for sleep. Are you married? How does your schedule affect your partner?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited May 2017
    I don't get it. You need to wake up 7 hrs before work? What time do you get home and go to bed?

    I go to bed as soon as I get home and shower. My "me time" is in the morning, before work. I find that it sets a better tone for the work day. My stress levels have been effectively zero since I started running my days this way.

    Ok, that makes a lot more sense now. You basically do your day prep at the beginning of your day, as I think most of us do the night before. I was imagining having almost a full day before work begins, and then having a few hours in the evenings too, leaving very little time for sleep. Are you married? How does your schedule affect your partner?

    Nah, been married twice and not interested in trapsing that path again. The girl that I am dating now actually has a very similar schedule, though she is off to work and back home earlier than myself. She's up by 2:00, has to be at work by 5:30, so it actually lines up pretty well for us to spend a bit of time together early in the day.

    My kitchen opens over a bar into a dining area, so while I am doing food prep, we'll spend a couple of hours talking while she sits on a bar stool opposite my counter.
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    So not a morning person, but feel so good after morning workout. My routine:
    Start coffee and find the carb I'll eat.
    Drink glass of water.
    Drink coffee and eat a small carb to fuel the workout: a banana or a corn tortilla with a thin schmear of refried beans. (Unless I'm training for a half, and my mileage is going to be up over 6 miles. Then I have two carbs about 45 minutes before I start)
    Eat a good, solid protein within 30 minutes of end of exercise--eggs, meat, tofu.
    Enjoy the endorphin high for the next few hours.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    im going to try morning workouts. it'll be absolutely brutal waking up at 5 am, to eat something get ready and go to the gym. if i manage my time and prepare, its technically do-able lol. im a night owl, so it'll be tough.
  • Anon2018
    Anon2018 Posts: 139 Member
    I tried for awhile but I can't. For me, the problem is the food. I can't really stomach food RIGHT when I wake up, usually need to wait 30-45 min before I can stomach anything, and working out fasted if a guarenteed way for me to be low energy and get a bad workout. So, would need to wake up wayyyyy too early. Evenings work better for my body, though can be less convenient. Sometimes I'll throw a morning workout in a pinch if I know I'm going to happy hour or something that evening, but it just doesn't really work for me
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I roll out of bed at 5:30am get in the Truck and go to gym, I am there any time between 40-80min depending what i am doing or how I am feeling. I always feel good when I am done at the gym and it took me a while to get used to it. I just need to keep reminding myself how good i feel after. I always have something to eat or a protein drink after and some times both. I found it very hard for me to get motivated to go to the gym after work day and then going home to walk the dog, make dinner and doing things around the house. It just makes more sense to me to get up early and do it.

    I agree with what @jenejellyroll says
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I set my alarm for 4:30 am and usually roll out of bed a few minutes before 5 before I head out for a run or on Friday's I go to the Y for a 5:30 bodypump class. I don't love having to do it this way, but it doesn't really fit in my schedule any other way.
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    been doing morning workouts for almost 10 yrs..go to bed early, no alarm clock, just wake up between 2:30 and 3:30...go to gym or run and then to the out till 5:45 to 6...then lift and abs and stretch and shower..out on way to work by ^; morning workouts and running in dark
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Taken 6 weeks but now part of my routine...and it was a change...I was a night owl.

    Now I get up 515 and am at the gym by 530. Back home by 7. Make kids breakfast, lunches and drop them off on way to work.

    I did ding my lifts dropped 10 percent. Same with reps.
  • ona1990
    ona1990 Posts: 58 Member
    I workout first thing I the morning for a few reasons. 1)I have to work out on an empty stomach, I am very prone to side cramps.2)It's gives me so much more energy for the rest of the day and puts me in a better mood.3)I would rather spend my evenings cooking dinner and watching tv chatting with my husband.
    I also do protein smoothies for breakfast on the way to work.