Does anyone workout in the MORNING????



  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I am up at 4am. Gym at 6am. Work 8 am.
    Alarm clock used to work. Now it's a routine, so I'm up with or without alarm clock.
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    It depends on my day what time I work out, but it is always in the morning. If I have something planned in the morning I will get up around 5:30 to workout....if I don't I will wait till my daughter gets picked up for preschool and then workout around 8:30. What made it easy for me is having everything in my basement. I know if I actually had to drive to the gym, it would take more motivation. I like getting my workouts over with first thing, that way I don't have to stress to find time to fit them in if I get too busy.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited May 2017
    It varies a lot, as I do field work, and times can shift depending upon how far from home I am, ship times, etc. However, for the last week it's been the following:

    1:30-2:30: wake up, pee, weigh in and take orthostatic readings for TRAC, start food prep for the day.
    3:30-3:45: food prep done.
    3:50: take subjective measurements for TRAC.
    4:00: first round of stims.
    4:15: pre-lift food.
    4:45: pre-workout.
    5:20: leave for gym.
    5:30: start warm-up sets.
    6:30-7:00: post-lift food.
    7:05-7:30: leave for work.
    8:00: second bout of post lift food.
    8:15-8:30: arrive at work.
  • knempress
    knempress Posts: 62 Member
    Up at 4:45, workout starts by 5 or 5:10. It is difficult to get up, but I just make myself do it. Once I'm dressed and the workout starts, I'm usually fine - the hardest part is getting your feet on the floor. I have little kids and a busy job, and I would never get it done at night. I used to feel like I needed to eat beforehand, but now I prefer doing it before I eat. If you feel like you don't have enough energy to get through fasted, you could try having a small snack beforehand. When I was much younger (before husband and kids), I used to meet some friends at the gym at 7:30 every evening and work out then. It would never work for me now, though. The most important thing is that you find something that works for you (i.e. something you will do every day).
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Wake up at 5am, throw on clothes then drive 40 minutes to my work and go in the fitness center and workout from 6-7am, then shower and go to work. If I oversleep then I workout during work. Can't turn down a free gym at work!!
  • slinky_shaz
    slinky_shaz Posts: 21 Member
    i used to workout at night until i posted here about preferences on am or pm excersise.

    i really changed my thinking and now i workout in the morning. i'm up at 6am, have a quick coffee and then i workout at home. i'm usually done by 7:15am and it's set me up for the day ahead of work.

    if you can try switching for a few weeks, you soon adjust to it.

    i much prefer getting it out of the way rather than having to find time after a days work, sorting kids and dinner etc.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    Prep your mind, work/work out clothes, lunch, and toiletries bag, alarm...get some rest, set a schedule when you will do your morning workouts (M-W-F or whatever)
    Record a video promising yourself that you are going to the gym in the a.m. and don't freaking let yourself down
    Set Alarm & respect the alarm and wake up.
    Don't get side tracked (watching tv or the news, checking ig/facebook, or with your excuses)
    Dress and go
    Watch how good you feel knowing that you kept your promise to yourself.
    Wake up and do it again.

    This is literally my story and testimony. I had on my mission board for months to go to the gym in the morning for at least 2 xs a week. And I could not do it - but the truth is - I had to really make it up in my mind! When I did that, it was on and popping. I go in the mornings 4 times a week!

    You can do it!!!!

  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I work out only in the morning. When I was in the military, I found it great to work out in the morning because you can literally be 1/2 asleep for a lot of it and not even realize you are doing it. I usually get up early, have 2 cups of coffee, one sipped, one with some ice and chugged, take care of business and head out for a run or the gym. Go to bed early, get up early. No snooze!! Get up! Most important part is going to bed early so you get enough sleep.

    After you do it for a while, it will become second nature and you will miss not working out in the mornings. You don't spend all day dreading the gym, or the run, either. The work is all done by the time you get to your job and you can feel like you have already accomplished a lot before you even start work.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I prefer to workout in the evening, but in the summer that means I would ride in the heat of the day so in summer I typically get up early to motivation is not melting in the desert heat.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    depends on the activity.

    running and strength - alarm goes off, get up, drink a glass of water, head out before my brain cottons on to the fact that I'm up. Home, shower then to work.

    cycling/swimming/dancing - evening. I don't have the time to get my bike out and faff, or get to the pool, and dancing is a social event at fixed times anyway.

    Once you get used to early mornings it becomes easier, AND it becomes easier to fall asleep earlier. I am now waking naturally at around 6am, even though I'm having a rest week. Morning exercise makes me feel more alert for the rest of the day.

  • anaxmann
    anaxmann Posts: 103 Member
    I get up between 3:30 and 4 am and I am at the gym between 4 and 4:15. I know myself, if I don't go in the morning, I don't go at all. It used to be because I frequently had a migraine by the end of my work day, but now it is because I know how busy the gym will be and how ineffective my workout will be with that many people. I go on an empty stomach and eat when I get back, then I get ready for work and I am at my job by 7 am. In the summer, once it is light/warm enough, I like to ride my bike in the morning, that way I don't really have to warm up before I start my workout.
    In order to get up at 3:30, I do go to bed between 7 and 8 pm, although sometimes I stay up later and still wake up fine. It is amazing how quickly I got used to being up at 3:30, now I often wake up before my alarm. It just takes a little push for a few days and knowing how much sleep your body requires. I don't drink coffee before I go, I just take my electrolyte powder in water with me so that I stay well hydrated. Also, if you have problems getting out of bed after the alarm goes off, I find that the more water I drink within an hour or so of going to bed, the more urgently I need to get out of bed when I wake up in the morning. Just a tip.
  • Candelario86
    Candelario86 Posts: 10 Member
    I workout at 6am on days where I know my evening will be occupied by family and work. My motivation is that awful feeling of missing a workout. If you workout in the am all excuses through out the day, are overcome.
  • lifestylechange888
    lifestylechange888 Posts: 12 Member
    Yup! Up at 4:15 am for 5am classes M-F! Once you're in the routine, you're good and your body aligns very well. I also make sure I'm in bed with lights and tv off at 9:15 pm to get full 7 hours sleep. I don't know how people workout at night; I just want to go home!
  • lifestylechange888
    lifestylechange888 Posts: 12 Member

    I am up at 4am. Gym at 6am. Work 8 am.
    Alarm clock used to work. Now it's a routine, so I'm up with or without alarm clock.

    I'm the same way, my body usually just knows to wake at 4:15 am.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Every day for 2-wks, I've been to bed earlier & woken up at 2:30am on my own (first time ever sans alarm), so exercise is 3-4am.

    That is not so much working out in the morning as it is working out in the middle of the night. What do you do at 4, go back to sleep?
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    This time of year I'm up at 4:30 to run before it gets too hot. I lay out all my gear the night before so that I don't have to think about anything except getting out the door. Once I'm dressed it's no issue; it's the crawling out of bed that's hard.
  • MimiOfTheFraserValley
    MimiOfTheFraserValley Posts: 108 Member
    I don't workout in the sense of going to the gym or doing weight exercises or the like, aside from bodyweight exercises occasionally. When I exercise, though, I prefer to do it in the morning. I don't have a specific time right now, as I'm not working all that often, & so my days have been fairly flexible. I go for walks or ride my bike, & I find morning the best time. If I do activity too late in the day, then I have too much energy later on & don't go to bed early enough for me. I like to go to bed around 10 PM, 11 at the latest. Any later, & my sleep isn't that great. I often wake up between 5:30 & 7:30, especially now that the days are longer. I wake up leisurely when I don't have to be anywhere first thing in the morning. Then when I'm ready to go & have had breakfast (I always have to eat something before I eat, usually fruit & yogurt or cereal & milk, before I exercise), then I'll go outside & walk or ride my bike or the like. If the weather's bad, then I'll put on some music & dance around my home, building up a good sweat & going for at least half an hour or so. Any of the exercises I do make me feel good, & I feel as if I'd started my day off right.

    If I know that I have a day of a lot of heavy cleaning or other stuff that's physical & will burn a lot of exercise, I don't always go for a walk or bike ride - I'm getting over some physical issues that overdoing would exacerbate, & my energy levels don't always allow me to do as much as I'd like. Thankfully I'm getting better, though!! :smile:
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    i like working out in the morning as it just lifts you for the day but it just sucks having to wake up early for it.

    i would like working out at night but am afraid i will be so wired it will be hard to sleep
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    I usually work out in the morning, anywhere between 8 am and 9 am. I get up early, have breakfast (low carb pita with nut butter of some kind, plus strong coffee with 2% milk), travel to the gym, which takes me about an hour by city bus, more coffee, then I'm ready to go. Mornings suit me better for several reasons already cited by others: 1) if I don't exercise first thing, I won't do it; 2) even if inclined to work out later in the day, my day often won't let me; 3) my energy level is higher in the morning; 4) working out in the evening aggravates my sleep problems.