NurseWandaMT Member


  • MONTANA! The Crown of the Continent, Last Best Place. Anyone should feel free to add me - I'm all about the positive reinforcement and motivation. :smiley:
  • It's nice to meet everyone :) I'm still figuring MFP out - but it's been so helpful and it's nice connecting to others going through similar challenges.
  • Hi there! Congrats on taking charge of your own health! As others said, pay close attention to your portion sizes; and - I would add, your liquid calories. Orange juice, sweet tea, coffee, beer, booze - that stuff adds up quick. I have had very good luck losing weight by making sure I choose high-protein foods and that I…
  • Kalispell (near Glacier National Park) MONTANA. The last best place.
  • Or another favorite - "What do you eat?????" Um duh. Pretty much what you eat, but without the dead things. ;)
  • I have been vegetarian for about 15 years, on-again/off-again vegan (currently off-again). I'm so happy to see so many veg/vegans here! I've pretty much just started MFP and this is my first post in the community. Everyone feel free to add me - I would love to have some friends :smile: