Plant Based

Hello everyone! I've been on here on-off for a while and finally making the effort to stay on.
Anyone here plant based and need new friends? Vegan, vegetarian, and whole foods plant based are welcome.
I'm vegan myself on the journey to WFPB. I lack motivation to stay on track with whole foods and also need to lose weight.
Comment and send a friend request if you want me as your new vegan friend. :)


  • poorankapoor
    poorankapoor Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Noella2017! So glad to meet some vegan at last. whenever I check some ketogenic diet or protein diets I always get at least some chicken recipes and wonder if there are many vegans around. Wel don't worry about losing fat, it's a lot easier than you feel. trust me i lost 11 lbs in 2 months without going on a low cal diet. add me as a friend to discuss further
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Hello- I have been plant based for 3 weeks. I will try and send a request .
  • antibinge
    antibinge Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Noella 2017! I'm vegan too. Some days I'm WFPB, others not so much (vegan junk food is too good haha).
  • antibinge
    antibinge Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Noella2017! I'm just starting my WFPB journey. I'm SUPER excited about it. However, I live in a rural community in the south so everything is deep fried and farming is what keeps this county running. I've gotten some very funny looks when I've mentioned to friends that "If I can't grow it, I'm not eating it." From things I've read/documentaries I've watched/research I've done, I'm so mad at myself that I've polluted myself and my kids with processed junk. I mean you can clean a toilet with coke! Coke=Toilet Bowl Cleaner!

    Congrats on starting your WFPB journey! It's crazy once you learn what exactly is in all the stuff you're used to eating. I used to be a Diet Coke FIEND a few years ago. Turns out the ingredient Aspartame (artificial sweetener) is a neurotoxin :/ At least we can start taking our health into our own hands now.
  • nita_nitro
    nita_nitro Posts: 1 Member
    Hey another vegan here, I'd lover some vegan diet buddies, I will add you! :)
  • circularsmiles
    circularsmiles Posts: 14 Member
    Vegan here, I accept all friend requests and love supporting others!
  • Welshmamma
    Welshmamma Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am going to start a vegan diet tomorrow!! I am nervous about messing it up lol any tips?
  • MadisonJay64
    MadisonJay64 Posts: 125 Member
    Vegan :) trying very hard to stick to Whole Foods and strugglinggg. Why is junk so delicious?
  • DiannaOnMaui
    DiannaOnMaui Posts: 27 Member
    Wow - so happy to find fellow vegans! I was beginning to wonder if I would. The MFP discussion boards are rough!

    If you asked me 10 years ago I'd say "no way, never!" But I've found it to be easier than I thought and I feel amazing.
  • MrsRoxiBrown
    MrsRoxiBrown Posts: 1 Member
    I'm only a few days in to WFPB eating. It's amazing, and a little overwhelming! Just watched Forks Over Knives finally and man did that get my attention. Excited about this change!
  • CitiZoo
    CitiZoo Posts: 24 Member
    After reading The Starch Solution, I am trying vegan in an attempt to control inflammatory arthritis, and of course loose weight. And could always use the extra motivation and insight of others on the same path.
    ...feel free to friend me...
  • I'm a vegetarian transitioning to vegan! Feel free to add me, fellow plant-eaters!
  • fatbuttpup
    fatbuttpup Posts: 1 Member
    Plant based here! Please feel free to add me B) always looking for new delicious recipes/ideas and friends to motivate!
  • whitewinterhymnal
    whitewinterhymnal Posts: 4 Member
    Vegan here. Feel free to add! :)
  • NasiiM4
    NasiiM4 Posts: 76 Member
    Vegan here.
  • NurseWandaMT
    NurseWandaMT Posts: 11 Member
    I have been vegetarian for about 15 years, on-again/off-again vegan (currently off-again). I'm so happy to see so many veg/vegans here! I've pretty much just started MFP and this is my first post in the community. Everyone feel free to add me - I would love to have some friends :smile:
  • NurseWandaMT
    NurseWandaMT Posts: 11 Member
    Shotzc wrote: »
    Hi Noella, I was vegan for over a year, then vegetarian for the last five years. Why is it that the first comment out of peoples mouths when they hear you are vegetarian is .. HOW do you eat protein?

    Or another favorite - "What do you eat?????" Um duh. Pretty much what you eat, but without the dead things. ;)
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    I've been vegetarian for just over a year.