kdillon606 Member


  • What has worked for me is relying less on motivation and more on self-discipline. Not working out is not an option and has become habit even when I don't feel like it. The gains emotionally and physically far outweigh the comfort of doing something else, anything else - for me its watching friends and eating beef jerky. So…
  • My most hated comment is "should you really be eating that?" Like bish I know what i'm eating, now stay in your lane.
  • I look forward to watching you succeed! Good luck! We are all in it together!
  • The only person who should have control over what you eat and how much you weigh is yourself. I think you need to talk to him and ask he not comment on food or your weight since it is more hurtful than it is helpful. I would hope that he understands and this will help you from feeling that you have to eat in secret which…
  • I prefer MFP for counting calories 100%. It seems a bit more strict however it has worked better for my tracking than the fitbit database.
  • I don't cook very often as I am just one person most of the time. I find things that can be eaten as is can be really helpful. For me that means a lot of fruits and vegetables as they are because its easy and I don't have to do anything to them except for add a bit of salt or sometimes peanut butter depending on what it…
  • I have to open each app each day in order for the fitbit app to sync with the MFP app.
  • If you want to continue to lose weight, you will have to eat at a deficit. Something has got to give. Take it one thing at a time. I can't be bothered with scheduled exercise at this time so I only focus on the calorie count. Honestly, I don't even pay attention to the macros. Its too finicky for me especially since I…
  • 5'3" here! highest weight was 162lbs. When I realized that I was having difficulty and pain with just walking, I was over it. Currently 144lbs with another 10lbs to go! Just take it slow. I do minimal exercise and primarily focus on diet. Once I hit that goal, then I will attempt to get a workout schedule going but for…
  • Don't go too hard too quickly. It will often cause a person to burn out. I would say stick to the general deficit that MFP gives you so you have the energy to continue exercising. It took a while to put the weight on, it will take a while to get it off so be patient.
  • Thank you all for your replies! I need to hear some outside perspective from people outside of family and friends because sometime they sugar coat stuff which makes it hard to believe..
  • The computer chairs we have rock back a certain amount so when i'm anxious or really focused, i tend to rock in my chair for long periods of time. I also have a lot of stress balls so i always have something to do with my hands because I am mostly a boredom eater and fidget-er if it slows down at work as I too have to stay…
  • Barre was my favorite class until I couldn't afford it anymore. I have trouble with motivation unless i'm in person in a class. Hard but great for toning and feeling like you actually did something. With any class though it depends on the teacher.