jugsosa2333 Member


  • 1200 calories is extremely low. I'm 175 pounds at 6 feet tall, and i'm eating roughly 1900 calories in a cut. And I exercise moderately (heavy lifting and soft cardio).
  • I generally just lay around and eat on Sundays. Maybe I should consider doing an activity on sundays and going out, sharing with friends or some other thing. Being alone and lazy leads me to overeat. Thanks for your help! I know my weight is alright, but I just started cutting again, cause I have a lot of leftover fat in…
  • For example, this last sunday I over ate and I had been doing 2600 calories a day (maintenance for me), so i'm starting to think this is more of an emotional/mental issue I have, since I am getting enough nutrition. Im 6' tall and 176 pounds at the moment. I just opened up my food diary!