hszentim Member


  • Oh nelly, I would work towards gaining more lean muscle mass and cutting back on cardio. Steady state cardio is also one of the most inefficient ways of burning calories because you do not continue burning After the workout is complete and you have to spend so much time working towards something that could be accomplished…
  • I would do some meal tracking to see if you are appropriately hitting your macronutrient ratios. A lot of people find a homeostasis in a deficit so in essence what was once a deficit now becomes our resting state and we technically evolve out it. Our bodies are really really good at believing there is a famine and that you…
  • Putting on lean muscle mass will be the best thing that you can do. Lean muscle requires more caloric intake to be sustained (aka faster resting metabolic rate and therefore it helps to keep body fat levels in check) and helps to keep the body healthy for years to come due to increased bone density, increased vascular…