Hi. What do you think about the fish oil brand Salve Oleum 3-6-9? Any feedback about it? My friends are raving about it. Maybe because they got it for free. Lol.
I agree. I have been taking Verde Coffee Grano (a green bean coffee extract blend) and I have lost a lot of excess weight. Of course, you need to complement any supplements with enough physical activity to keep your metabolism going.
I took the same stuff as yours years ago too. I lost weight but everything rebounded back to me. Now, I just watch what I eat, do more fitness activities, take some natural supplements such as Salve Verdure and Probiotics, and I havent have any more problems keeping my extra pounds off.
I took Salve Oleum 3-6-9 fish oil from salve supplements to help me with my anxiety disorder as per my doctor's advice. it really helps in making me calm nowadays (ive been taking it for 3 months) and a side effect is the noticeable weight loss. I lost 5 lbs in the last 3 months, it is not a big loss, but whats pleasant…
Hi guys. Im trevor. a newbie here. i used to be fairly fit but gained quite substantial pounds after a battle with depression. Im hoping I can be successful in my weight loss journey as i try fitnesspal. Have a good one.