jordanhempstead Member


  • Hey everyone, sorry for not posting last week, but this update is that I am 199 pounds this week! A total loss of 5 pounds! I don't know how I did it, but I am so glad! Thank you to everyone who is supporting me, and I hope you will keep doing so!
  • So I weighed in this morning, 204 pounds, meaning that I lost 2 pounds this week ( there was a typo in my original post, as I started at 206). That's not horrible. I guess I was expecting to lose more but I guess if I lose it slow and steady then I will actually keep it off this time. Thanks for the tips and support, and I…
  • Okay. I never even thought of that. Thanks! I will try it the next time I am in that situation and let you know how it goes!
  • Wow! I was not expecting to get any replies, let line this many! Thank you all so much for your support. As I said before, I am restarting my weight loss journey, and it is so encouraging to see how many people are willing to support me. The first thing that I wanted to ask is how do you handle cravings? By this I don't…