I Need Support

Hi, my name is Jojo and I am trying to lose weight...again. I started out at 196 pounds - and I am only 5'4. I had always wanted to lose weight, but never really put forth the effort. That is until I was given an ultimatum and therefore had no chance but to lose the weight. My ultimate goal at the time was in the 120s, and I got down to 170, which I was really proud of. Losing 30 pounds! That's huge! I was looking forward to continuing my progress, until I was voluntarily thrown into a new environment. At the time, I was so overwhelmed that my weight priority was maintenance untilI settled down. Well, after I finally did, the opposite happened - I got comfortable. My diet went out of the window, and I gained back ALL of the weight - and then sone. I am now 205 pounds, and so disappointed with myself. Every day is a challenge, and my battle with food seems like one I can't win. With every breath I take, I feel like crying because of my weight. I blame everything on my weight. Of course there are the "...doesn't like you because of your weight" thoughts, but there are even everyday tasks that I blame on my weight. For example, where I am it was around 90 degrees today. You know what I said to myself? "You are hot because of all of that fat.". Though that statement has some truth to it, my weight was not 100% the reason why I was hot. You might be saying: just eat less, and healthier, and exercise; but the thing is that I do exercise: for 45 minutes 4 times a week - with intermediate swimming. But when it comes to food, it is like it has some sort of hold on me - I have discovered that backing away from the table is Mitch harder than when I first started. Now you might be wondering: what is it that you want? I am gong to put this next part in all caps for those people who want to know solely that. I WANT A PARTNER. FOR SUPPORT, FOR ACCOUNTABILITY. SOMEONE WHOM I CAN SHARE MY WEEKLY WEIGH INS WITH, BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS THAT IF I AM RELYING ON TELLING SOMEONE ELSE MY WEIGHT WHO IS EXPERIENCING THE SAME THING, IT WILL MAKE IT EASIER FOR ME. Now I know that this is a lot to ask, but if I can just get one person to say the words: "I've got you, I'm here for you", and make me keep up with my weekly health and weigh ins and vice versa, that would mean the world to me. Sorry for rambling, but it is what it is.
Thank you to hopefully my future partner, and I look forward to your support and info.
P.S. My weight goal now is in the 135-140 range. I still want to have a figure.


  • SamanthaM72
    SamanthaM72 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! Well I am in the same boat as you. I weigh 220 lbs, 5'4" and need support
  • SamanthaM72
    SamanthaM72 Posts: 8 Member
    I was also given the ultimatum from my doctor
  • graydreams
    graydreams Posts: 89 Member
    I hear you...message me if you wanta, you can write me your thoughts on life, weight, fitness journey and I will happily listen and try to be empathetic:)
  • ajennilynrush
    ajennilynrush Posts: 14 Member
    How are things going so far?
  • misscola
    misscola Posts: 40 Member
    added u and drop u a line!
  • Progress4meforever
    Progress4meforever Posts: 5 Member
    I am with you
  • jordanhempstead
    jordanhempstead Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! I was not expecting to get any replies, let line this many! Thank you all so much for your support. As I said before, I am restarting my weight loss journey, and it is so encouraging to see how many people are willing to support me.
    The first thing that I wanted to ask is how do you handle cravings? By this I don't mean being hungry, I mean wanting to eat when you are not hungry, or when you are already full.
    Also, tomorrow is my weight in day so we will see what this week's progress is!
    Thank you so much.
  • yoherbs421
    yoherbs421 Posts: 160 Member
    How I handle cravings...I stop and look at the food and wonder how many calories it has, and what percentage of macros it has, and how this will effect what I want to acheive. Try it. Next time you want to indulge, stop and ask yourself how many calories it has. Then scan it with myfitnesspal to see what is really in that extraneous treat.
  • jordanhempstead
    jordanhempstead Posts: 5 Member
    Okay. I never even thought of that. Thanks! I will try it the next time I am in that situation and let you know how it goes!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    If I have a craving non meal time I tell myself I'll consider it in 20 minutes and have a cup of broth, some carrots - just something to tell my taste buds I did hear them. At meals I just tell myself I'll consider eating the food I'm craving, but only AFTER I've eaten my nutritious meal. Then, like magic, later when I consider eating the food I had been craving - I just plain don't want it as much as I did. For me the important thing is to interrupt the craving, and come back to it later.
  • jordanhempstead
    jordanhempstead Posts: 5 Member
    So I weighed in this morning, 204 pounds, meaning that I lost 2 pounds this week ( there was a typo in my original post, as I started at 206). That's not horrible. I guess I was expecting to lose more but I guess if I lose it slow and steady then I will actually keep it off this time. Thanks for the tips and support, and I will weigh in next week to psot it as well. Another question that I need a top from: how do you handle overeating?
  • jessiegunnes
    jessiegunnes Posts: 7 Member
    So I weighed in this morning, 204 pounds, meaning that I lost 2 pounds this week ( there was a typo in my original post, as I started at 206).

    Well done Jordan !

  • ecaverhill
    ecaverhill Posts: 13 Member
    I'm feeling this too! I just got back from vacation at 204.5lbs and 5'6. I want to start a family and I know being overweight will hurt my fertility- so pretty much holding my own ultimatum. Luckily my man is on board since he could lose a couple too. I've done WW on and off for years, but don't want to pay for it and I hear such good things about MFP.
    So - I'm here for you and mutual support!

    Well done on your first loss!

    I stocked up on 0cal sparkling water for my cravings this weekend.

  • yoherbs421
    yoherbs421 Posts: 160 Member
    2 pds in a week is amazing. Keep at it!
  • stainbackzoo
    stainbackzoo Posts: 81 Member
    Nice job on the loss!
    I could use a buddy too! and I can put in the effort and time to support you :)
    feel free to friend me if you are still looking for some accountability!
  • jordanhempstead
    jordanhempstead Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry for not posting last week, but this update is that I am 199 pounds this week! A total loss of 5 pounds! I don't know how I did it, but I am so glad! Thank you to everyone who is supporting me, and I hope you will keep doing so!