I'm off to a good start. Looking like a fool with my post going off and deleting itself
Okay this is frustrating. I retyped it all and it all got cut again. I might just add/redo this later :( but yea. Looking to cut quite a bit. Thought I'd introduce myself and say hi. Would love to take this journey with all of y'all :)
Okay. I don't know why my posts keep getting cut down :/ over half of my post is missing
Hmmm. Fair enough! I'll keep an eye on things and see. I suppose it isn't the end of the world. Just haven't seen a spike this large. Ever.
Thanks for the feedback! I do understand fluctuations and I generally keep track of the time of day and I would, say, compare morning weight with another mornings, or evening with another evening. And it generally increased through the day, reaching the highest after dinner and then reaching the lowest in the morning. My…
tldrI somehow managed to gain 12lbs in 36 hours and far exceeding my normal fluctuations.