ktagliam Member


  • I have asthma and joint issues, so I can barely run the distance between 3 houses these days let alone run a mile. So when I compliment a runner, it means "you are doing AWESOME! congratulations and well done, keep it up" and a little bit of "I'm a little jealous, I wish I could do what you are doing"
  • 14 pounds is a LOT to put on in one month of pregnancy. Not healthy!!! The OP should talk to a doctor. That is not a reasonable weight gain regardless of hormones, heat, muscle.
  • I did a goals pyramid for workouts and diet and found the granularity helpful for staying on track. Way more than most people will want to read, but I posted it below. I have another plan for dog training I looked at other goal setting you ladies have here and noticed that I am not including my homelife activities into my…