Gaining not losing????



  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?


    Last time I gained 13lbs (I weigh every day, so I managed to see the spike over a few days), I had increased my lifting volume quite a bit, increased walking speed, ate extra sodium and was near TOM. It's not impossible... it came back down in under a week.

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    It's not likely you have put on muscle doing what you're doing in a deficit. If you have, it's definitely not enough to warrant a 14lb increase in a month.

    This. definitely NOT 14lbs (or anywhere close to that) is muscle mass in a month.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    14lbs in a month means eating 1600cal above maintanance every day. So for you I guess eating around 3600cals a day. This sounds extremely unlikely and very difficult to achieve. (I don't think I've ever eaten 3600 cal in the same day, let alone for a month and without noticing.)
    Either your scale is not working properly or you need to see a doctor immediately.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    14lbs in a month means eating 1600cal above maintanance every day. So for you I guess eating around 3600cals a day. This sounds extremely unlikely and very difficult to achieve. (I don't think I've ever eaten 3600 cal in the same day, let alone for a month and without noticing.)
    Either your scale is not working properly or you need to see a doctor immediately.

    I also think something else is up, but I have to say I really don't think it's THAT hard to eat 3600 in a day depending on the person. Everyone varies of course, but I'm 5'3 and 113 pounds, the most I've eaten in a day was around 5,300 calories around two months ago. I can hit 3000 in a day easily, as my maintenance is around 2400. If I drank anything other than water, tea, and black coffee, I'm sure I could hit 3600 a day without much effort.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?


    Last time I gained 13lbs (I weigh every day, so I managed to see the spike over a few days), I had increased my lifting volume quite a bit, increased walking speed, ate extra sodium and was near TOM. It's not impossible... it came back down in under a week.

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    Not muscle mass, no. Fluid retention is highly likely, though. High sodium, increase in exercise, warmer weather.... perhaps hormones. It did to me. :P
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain

    I like the one where pregnancy was suggested, disregarded by the OP, then later confirmed... Wonder how she's going?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain

    I like the one where pregnancy was suggested, disregarded by the OP, then later confirmed... Wonder how she's going?

    That was GREAT!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain

    I like the one where pregnancy was suggested, disregarded by the OP, then later confirmed... Wonder how she's going?

    That was GREAT!!!

    I remember that... good old MFP... :laugh:
  • ktagliam
    ktagliam Posts: 3 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    I like the one where pregnancy was suggested, disregarded by the OP, then later confirmed... Wonder how she's going?

    14 pounds is a LOT to put on in one month of pregnancy. Not healthy!!!

    The OP should talk to a doctor. That is not a reasonable weight gain regardless of hormones, heat, muscle.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    ktagliam wrote: »
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    MichSmish wrote: »
    MFP & The Mystery of the 14 Pound Weight Gain
    I like the one where pregnancy was suggested, disregarded by the OP, then later confirmed... Wonder how she's going?

    14 pounds is a LOT to put on in one month of pregnancy. Not healthy!!!

    The OP should talk to a doctor. That is not a reasonable weight gain regardless of hormones, heat, muscle.

    I put on 8kg in a week whilst on honeymoon. I lost most of it in a week once I got home...
  • ChristinaKing2
    ChristinaKing2 Posts: 1 Member
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    It could be a combination of many things.
    1) How hot has it been? Speaking for myself, I have found that I retain ungodly amounts of fluid in the heat.
    2) What has your salt intake been? In combination with the above, if you've had salty food, you will retain water. I promise you that.
    3) Are you drinking enough water? It seems counter-intuitive to drink more water if you suspect you are retaining water BUT the extra water will cause your body to reverse its water retaining processes and start excreting instead of storing. With all the activity that you have been doing in the hot weather, the recommended 8 cups a day is not enough for you. You may be dehydrated.
    4) Time frame. Again, speaking for myself, whenever I change it up and start exercising more my body wants to put the breaks on and store water and hold on to fat. I anticipate the scale moving upward in defiant protest in the beginning. Keep going and you will see after a while this will not be true anymore.
    5)You don't need to answer this publicly, but what are you taking in the way of medication? Insulin? Oral anti-diabetics? Anti-depressants? Mood stabilizers? Corticosteroids? ...etc. Google it.
    6) Hormones. That monthly plague and it the ruiner of all things good and holy. (Speaking for myself :))

    The best advice I can give is to be patient and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like you have a good workout routine and are moderating your calorie intake in a healthy way. To continue to gain weight when exercising and eating low calorie will eventually begin to defy the laws of human physiology. Eventually the gaining will stop and you will see the weight start to steadily drop off.
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    I also agree that it sounds like something else is going on but I could easily get to 3600 without thinking about it before I started logging.

    Cheese and bacon muffin at breakfast, hot chocolate and a couple of biscuits at break time, whatever was for lunch in the canteen, KFC for dinner, then a bag of mini eggs/minstrels and/or a bowl of ice cream for a late night snack. That's 4000 and some change.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited June 2017
    I know you said you're weighing everything on a food scale but what about liquids? do you drink only water during the day or are you getting in liquid calories?

    When we talk about water retention, barring medical conditions, it's something like 5-6 lbs. Not 14 lbs in a month. What's your sodium intake like? How are you calculating calories burned? 10k steps a day for me is around 480 calories extra and I'm 5'7" and 162 lbs. Also, 20 mins of exercise isn't much calories burned, depending on what you're doing.
  • roobella
    roobella Posts: 59 Member
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    It could be a combination of many things.
    1) How hot has it been? Speaking for myself, I have found that I retain ungodly amounts of fluid in the heat.
    2) What has your salt intake been? In combination with the above, if you've had salty food, you will retain water. I promise you that.
    3) Are you drinking enough water? It seems counter-intuitive to drink more water if you suspect you are retaining water BUT the extra water will cause your body to reverse its water retaining processes and start excreting instead of storing. With all the activity that you have been doing in the hot weather, the recommended 8 cups a day is not enough for you. You may be dehydrated.
    4) Time frame. Again, speaking for myself, whenever I change it up and start exercising more my body wants to put the breaks on and store water and hold on to fat. I anticipate the scale moving upward in defiant protest in the beginning. Keep going and you will see after a while this will not be true anymore.
    5)You don't need to answer this publicly, but what are you taking in the way of medication? Insulin? Oral anti-diabetics? Anti-depressants? Mood stabilizers? Corticosteroids? ...etc. Google it.
    6) Hormones. That monthly plague and it the ruiner of all things good and holy. (Speaking for myself :))

    The best advice I can give is to be patient and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like you have a good workout routine and are moderating your calorie intake in a healthy way. To continue to gain weight when exercising and eating low calorie will eventually begin to defy the laws of human physiology. Eventually the gaining will stop and you will see the weight start to steadily drop off.

    Yeah on anti depressants and stuff for anxiety
    I don't mind talking about it.

    Just off as everyone says 14lbs is a lot.
    Defo might take a trip to the gp to get checks

    Salt may be a factor as well as until recently I didn't use salt as an addition when cooking though now I do put a bit on porridge in the morning.

    It's probably a combination of things and hopefully it'll balance once my body is used to the lower calorie intake over the last while and increase in exercise

    I do have to say though there are some that have jumped on a negative bandwagon here. When the point of this forum is to be positive, supportive and to help inform on better ways of improving health, weight or appearance. Which is a bit disheartening. I do appreciate the advice though so thanks for all the input
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    roobella wrote: »
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    It could be a combination of many things.
    1) How hot has it been? Speaking for myself, I have found that I retain ungodly amounts of fluid in the heat.
    2) What has your salt intake been? In combination with the above, if you've had salty food, you will retain water. I promise you that.
    3) Are you drinking enough water? It seems counter-intuitive to drink more water if you suspect you are retaining water BUT the extra water will cause your body to reverse its water retaining processes and start excreting instead of storing. With all the activity that you have been doing in the hot weather, the recommended 8 cups a day is not enough for you. You may be dehydrated.
    4) Time frame. Again, speaking for myself, whenever I change it up and start exercising more my body wants to put the breaks on and store water and hold on to fat. I anticipate the scale moving upward in defiant protest in the beginning. Keep going and you will see after a while this will not be true anymore.
    5)You don't need to answer this publicly, but what are you taking in the way of medication? Insulin? Oral anti-diabetics? Anti-depressants? Mood stabilizers? Corticosteroids? ...etc. Google it.
    6) Hormones. That monthly plague and it the ruiner of all things good and holy. (Speaking for myself :))

    The best advice I can give is to be patient and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like you have a good workout routine and are moderating your calorie intake in a healthy way. To continue to gain weight when exercising and eating low calorie will eventually begin to defy the laws of human physiology. Eventually the gaining will stop and you will see the weight start to steadily drop off.

    Yeah on anti depressants and stuff for anxiety
    I don't mind talking about it.

    Just off as everyone says 14lbs is a lot.
    Defo might take a trip to the gp to get checks

    Salt may be a factor as well as until recently I didn't use salt as an addition when cooking though now I do put a bit on porridge in the morning.

    It's probably a combination of things and hopefully it'll balance once my body is used to the lower calorie intake over the last while and increase in exercise

    I do have to say though there are some that have jumped on a negative bandwagon here. When the point of this forum is to be positive, supportive and to help inform on better ways of improving health, weight or appearance. Which is a bit disheartening. I do appreciate the advice though so thanks for all the input

    Who is being negative though? I just read through the whole again and do not see the negativity.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Either your scale is broken or batteries are run down or you need to see a doctor asap. 14 Lbs in a month would be pretty hard to do, even if there were accuracy issues in logging. If you actually put on 14 Lbs in a month, something is wrong...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    roobella wrote: »
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    It could be a combination of many things.
    1) How hot has it been? Speaking for myself, I have found that I retain ungodly amounts of fluid in the heat.
    2) What has your salt intake been? In combination with the above, if you've had salty food, you will retain water. I promise you that.
    3) Are you drinking enough water? It seems counter-intuitive to drink more water if you suspect you are retaining water BUT the extra water will cause your body to reverse its water retaining processes and start excreting instead of storing. With all the activity that you have been doing in the hot weather, the recommended 8 cups a day is not enough for you. You may be dehydrated.
    4) Time frame. Again, speaking for myself, whenever I change it up and start exercising more my body wants to put the breaks on and store water and hold on to fat. I anticipate the scale moving upward in defiant protest in the beginning. Keep going and you will see after a while this will not be true anymore.
    5)You don't need to answer this publicly, but what are you taking in the way of medication? Insulin? Oral anti-diabetics? Anti-depressants? Mood stabilizers? Corticosteroids? ...etc. Google it.
    6) Hormones. That monthly plague and it the ruiner of all things good and holy. (Speaking for myself :))

    The best advice I can give is to be patient and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like you have a good workout routine and are moderating your calorie intake in a healthy way. To continue to gain weight when exercising and eating low calorie will eventually begin to defy the laws of human physiology. Eventually the gaining will stop and you will see the weight start to steadily drop off.

    Yeah on anti depressants and stuff for anxiety
    I don't mind talking about it.

    Just off as everyone says 14lbs is a lot.
    Defo might take a trip to the gp to get checks

    Salt may be a factor as well as until recently I didn't use salt as an addition when cooking though now I do put a bit on porridge in the morning.

    It's probably a combination of things and hopefully it'll balance once my body is used to the lower calorie intake over the last while and increase in exercise

    I do have to say though there are some that have jumped on a negative bandwagon here. When the point of this forum is to be positive, supportive and to help inform on better ways of improving health, weight or appearance. Which is a bit disheartening. I do appreciate the advice though so thanks for all the input

    Who is being negative though? I just read through the whole again and do not see the negativity.

    I'm guessing that people pointing out that 14 Lbs of weight gain in a month is troublesome and way out of the norm is "negative"
  • roobella
    roobella Posts: 59 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    roobella wrote: »
    roobella wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    When did you take up the rowing machine?

    I have only recently increased my exercise to 20mins daily rather than just 3 days per week. It's also ridiculously warm. Starting to think it's water retention combined with an increase in muscle mass
    Hopefully it'll balance out and start going back down

    It could be a combination of many things.
    1) How hot has it been? Speaking for myself, I have found that I retain ungodly amounts of fluid in the heat.
    2) What has your salt intake been? In combination with the above, if you've had salty food, you will retain water. I promise you that.
    3) Are you drinking enough water? It seems counter-intuitive to drink more water if you suspect you are retaining water BUT the extra water will cause your body to reverse its water retaining processes and start excreting instead of storing. With all the activity that you have been doing in the hot weather, the recommended 8 cups a day is not enough for you. You may be dehydrated.
    4) Time frame. Again, speaking for myself, whenever I change it up and start exercising more my body wants to put the breaks on and store water and hold on to fat. I anticipate the scale moving upward in defiant protest in the beginning. Keep going and you will see after a while this will not be true anymore.
    5)You don't need to answer this publicly, but what are you taking in the way of medication? Insulin? Oral anti-diabetics? Anti-depressants? Mood stabilizers? Corticosteroids? ...etc. Google it.
    6) Hormones. That monthly plague and it the ruiner of all things good and holy. (Speaking for myself :))

    The best advice I can give is to be patient and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like you have a good workout routine and are moderating your calorie intake in a healthy way. To continue to gain weight when exercising and eating low calorie will eventually begin to defy the laws of human physiology. Eventually the gaining will stop and you will see the weight start to steadily drop off.

    Yeah on anti depressants and stuff for anxiety
    I don't mind talking about it.

    Just off as everyone says 14lbs is a lot.
    Defo might take a trip to the gp to get checks

    Salt may be a factor as well as until recently I didn't use salt as an addition when cooking though now I do put a bit on porridge in the morning.

    It's probably a combination of things and hopefully it'll balance once my body is used to the lower calorie intake over the last while and increase in exercise

    I do have to say though there are some that have jumped on a negative bandwagon here. When the point of this forum is to be positive, supportive and to help inform on better ways of improving health, weight or appearance. Which is a bit disheartening. I do appreciate the advice though so thanks for all the input

    Who is being negative though? I just read through the whole again and do not see the negativity.

    I'm guessing that people pointing out that 14 Lbs of weight gain in a month is troublesome and way out of the norm is "negative"

    No not at all, Was just the pregnancy jokes earlier. Which i know im phsycially no longer capable of. Thats all.