MichelleSilverleaf Member


  • Ultimate Starting Weight: 259lbs Challenge Starting Weight on Easter (April 21): 212lbs Challenge Goal Weight: 202lbs April 26: 211lbs May 3: 212lbs May 10: 209lbs May 17: 210lbs? (forgot to weigh in this morning) May 24: 208lbs May 31: 205.5lbs June 7: 204lbs June 14: 205lbs June 21: 207lbs (damn sodium lol) June 28:…
  • Like others said, 19 days probably isn't going to make much of a difference. I would say get a bathing suit you really love and feel confident in, and enjoy Hawaii. Focus on making lots of great memories so when you look back on it, you remember the good times and ideally not so much whether your stomach was flat enough.
  • Ultimate Starting Weight: 259lbs Challenge Starting Weight on Easter (April 21): 212lbs Challenge Goal Weight: 202lbs April 26: 211lbs May 3: 212lbs May 10: 209lbs May 17: 210lbs? (forgot to weigh in this morning) May 24: 208lbs May 31: 205.5lbs June 7: 204lbs June 14: 205lbs June 21: 207lbs (damn sodium lol) June 28: July…
  • This as well as your cheat days is where the problem lies. Food scale, weigh everything for 4-6 weeks, log your cheat days, and go from there.
  • CBT-based therapies. I did talk therapy, and while it was nice to hash things out I didn't find it gave me anything productive. I completed a 14-week program for my anxiety and it helped a ton, the psychiatrist gave me a lot of tools and strategies that I can actually use and have been using. Now I'm doing a 14-week group…
  • Considering the director and creator is a guy with 20 years of VO work and acting (which there's nothing wrong with in and of itself), it's a bit like asking your mechanic for health advice. Most of these health "documentaries" are full of garbage, biased or both. Complete waste of time.
  • What results are you looking for that you're not seeing? What results are you having currently? Why do you feel that starving yourself is necessary? Why the guilt over an occasional soda? And what's wrong with burgers, that's a lot of good protein. I think it would help a little to expand a bit, to see whether you're not…
  • I would google low sugar <insert recipe name here>, and see what comes up. Odds are you could find an alternative that could work out for you.
  • Starvation mode in this context doesn't exist. You say in your next comment that your weight loss slowed down in the past couple weeks. Does that mean you haven't lost anything in those two weeks or not as much as you expected? Sometimes you have to tinker with the settings a bit to find the level that's right for you. You…
  • Depends on your hair. It did awful things to mine, would never do it again.
  • TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Basically the amount of calories you burn doing everything you do in a day, exercise included. MFP uses NEAT, Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis which means the amount of calories you burn daily but excluding exercise calories. That's why MFP expects you to log intentional exercise…
  • Any scale is going to work. Don't waste your money on the ones that claim to measure anything other than your weight, like body fat or muscle weight. Just get a regular bathroom scale. Also get a food scale and weigh everything. Depending on your stats, 2lb/week may not be an appropriate weight loss.
  • If they have 75+lbs to lose, yes 1kg/2lbs would be fine. If they have less than that, then no it's not fine.
  • Fast is never an appropriate suggestion unless the person is 500+lbs, in the care of a dr and it's a literal life or death matter. Just because the OP wants fast doesn't mean it's appropriate to actually give suggestions.
  • Problem is that vastly under-eating like that for periods of time will result in you feeling good - until you don't. And by then the damage is already done. I can "feel good" eating too little and eating over my calories. "Feel good" isn't a very good indicator of much of anything. And I think most people would prefer to…
  • If you're in a deficit you're always in weight loss mode. 2 weeks is not a plateau, you would have dropped those 2lbs without the "zig-zagging". I've had 3 weeks of no weight loss before it suddenly drops and balances itself out, it's just the process. Sometimes though eating into your daily deficit a little more may help…
  • No, sounds like another product with bold claims. Fat burners that are legal don't work, and any that do aren't legal. Sounds like it's just pricey caffeine.
  • Is this one of those "tone your abs" kind of device?
  • I think it threw people for a loop because on keto you really have to limit your veggies and fruit, since they're also carbs, and going vegan seems to rely heavily on a lot of veggies/fruits. Which is why vegan keto doesn't seem to work very well.
  • Anything I don't personally like or have a taste for.
  • I saw a dietician who was well-versed in diabetes. At no point did he tell me to stop eating fruit or grains or processed foods. He taught me about macros and how to properly read labels, using a food scale, balancing my plate at every meal, and was the one who introduced me to MFP. What you said IS contrary to what I did.…
  • Ok so using this photo as your example, that 1830cal are how many calories you have remaining to eat today. Your regular goal is 1300, then you ate 590cal which would have left you with 710cal more to eat for the day. But then you or your fitbit or whathaveyou added 1123 exercise calories to your 710cal remaining, leaving…
  • For contrast OP, I got out of pre-diabetic range without doing any of the stuff mentioned here. Brought my weight down, cut down my sweet drinks to about half, still ate how I wanted, blood test revealed the all clear. Still all clear even with daily iced cappuccinos, fruits, occasional soda and sweet treats.
  • Loose skin (or lackthereof) is largely genetics. Not fasting or anything like that. Also Fung is considered a quack and unreliable. You were fortunate enough to have good genetics.
  • Keto is great for those who are naturally satisfied by that way of eating. If you're not, you're probably going to have a miserable time of it. Lots of people have lost on all sorts of methods, the key is to find what's going to be sustainable for you.
  • My mother had it done, she's about 11 weeks post-op now. The part that she's struggled with the most is eating after surgery. A lot of things are difficult for her to eat even at this stage. Some things are just out of the question, like leafy greens and breads. It's a lot of trial and error. She had a lot of thirst for…